Music / rock

Liquid anatomy

Reviews (3)


d. 3. June 2018



Emil Hansen

d. 3. June 2018

"Dødsmetal, prog og moderne groovetendenser lever side om side i mørket hos tyske Alkaloid, der tæller adskillige erfarne musikere fra den tekniske dødsmetalscene. Deres andet album er veludført og poleret progressiv ondskab ... Selvom der er sprækker i ondskaben, og selvom 'Liquid Anatomy' dermed ikke skriver sig direkte ind i dødsmetallens panteon, så er det et ambitiøst og veludført albumværk, der med sin flydende sekvensering, strømlinede lyd og overvejende konsistente sangskrivning hviler flot inden for moderne progressiv ekstremmetal".

Angry metal guy

d. 22. May 2018



L. Saunders

d. 22. May 2018

"Liquid Anatomy solidifies Alkaloid as an adventurous and unique force in the modern metal scene, successfully crafting dazzling new dimensions into their complex, genre-blurring, progressive death mindfuck. Tired of the frustratingly tiresome and soulless aspects of tech death? Or progressive metal that forgets how to sound metal? Alkaloid has you covered with another ambitious, frequently thrilling and memorable progressive death opus that will threaten inclusion on many year-end lists".

Distorted Sound

d. 18. May 2018



Sam Alberti

d. 18. May 2018

"Whilst somewhat convoluted and difficult to keep up with at times, what this album certainly doesn't fail to do is keeping the listener entertained, offering everything from folk, to prog-rock, to the most extreme, technical, blast-beat-laden death metal, and as far as we're concerned that should always be hailed as something special. Whilst not necessarily for everyone, ALKALOID have contrived to produce another incredibly confident and ambitious release, and this is become somewhat of a trademark approach for them. This isn't a perfect album, but it's not a million miles away, and at the very least it's an extensive display of raw talent and creativity; not something you hear every day".

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