Music / rock

Live over Europe

Reviews (3)

Get ready to rock!

d. 19. July 2018



Ioannis Stefanis

d. 19. July 2018

"Having presented the album in the most coherent and detailed fashion possible, what is left to do it to explain what made it deserving of the highest possible rating given here. Well, the answer is pretty simple really; it features the best compositions performed in the most professional and heartfelt manner by one of the top Prog Metal bands of all times! The only negative thing that I can think of, which is of course justified when considering the costs involved for such an endeavour, is the lack of visual material but that is a minor misdemeanour really!".

Sea of tranquility

d. 30. June 2018



Pete Pardo

d. 30. June 2018

"Though some might quibble that not enough from Perfect Symmetry and No Exit are represented in the set list, let alone anything from the John Arch era of the band, this is still a loaded live album with 23 Fates Warning gems, performed brilliantly in front of loving audiences across Europe. It's a mandatory live album for any fan, plain and simple".


d. 2. July 2018



Casper Villumsen

d. 2. July 2018

"Det er en herlig udgivelse til fans af bandet, men den her fornemmelse af at være til koncert med bandet, får man desværre ikke. Ved at vælge sange fra flere shows, så brydes der det flow man ellers ville have haft ved at inkludere snakken til det samme publikum, som den nu måtte have været under den mere end to timer lange koncert. Til gengæld er det vellydende, og ved nogenlunde at følge samme rækkefølge, som sangene røg fra scenen til koncerterne, så får man i det mindste stadig de få "træthedstegn" og en fornemmelse af skift i intensitet, der må have været undervejs".