Music / americana

Lonesome as a shadow

Reviews (3)

Americana UK

d. 14. May 2018



Dave Jennings

d. 14. May 2018

"Recorded as live in the studio, backed by his band, The Blue Drifters, Crockett has created an album of original material that pays homage to his influences which are largely the sounds of Texas and Louisiana, alongside the Memphis Soul sound. Quite a range of styles that all seem to sit together snugly and present Crockett as the fully rounded distiller of the whole range of American Roots".

d. 11. May 2018



Raoul Hernandez

d. 11. May 2018

"Like Lone Star soulman Leon Bridges, Crockett's an instantly authentic Texan blessed of a voice and, on this fourth full-length, all original tunes that lope familiar, reassuring".

Folk radio UK

d. 24. Apr. 2018



Paul Kerr

d. 24. Apr. 2018

"Crockett whips all of these songs out under the three-minute mark leaving the listener almost breathless, the brevity of the album begging one to hit the play again button. It's hard to imagine what he might have added to enhance this experience, some more songs of course, but Lonesome As A Shadow is small and perfectly formed as it is".