Music / rock

Lousy with sylvianbriar

Reviews (2)





Fred Thomas


"The unsettling imagery, buttery basslines, and meandering key changes that have been Of Montreal staples since the start, fit surprisingly well into the dusty traditional rock framework of LwS, offering a breath of fresh air from the pleasant but convoluted rush of the past several albums. Swapping out the sonic and mental clutter for a host of centered, unconfused rock tunes is a curveball move, for sure, but the end product is the most memorable, lasting, and relatable albums in Of Montreal's extensive catalog".


d. 7. Oct. 2013



Lasse Heide Fjordbo

d. 7. Oct. 2013

"Lige fra første anslag på albummets første nummer, "Fugitive Air", er man slet ikke i tvivl om bandets intention om at vende tilbage til rødderne. En letbenet guitarfigur, et solidt groove og en (uberettiget) selvsikker melodi i en klassisk rockramme udgør det fire minutter lange nummer, som på trods af sin bastante energi klinger lidt ligegyldigt. Man undrer sig over dens status som førstesingle".