Music / rock

Love letters

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 10. Mar. 2014



Simon Nathanael

d. 10. Mar. 2014

"Orgel-akkorder, orgel-trommemaskiner og simple repeterede hooklines fungerer som pladens fundament, hvorpå skøre, lidt skabede verslinjer fortæller historier om et så bredt identificerbart et emne som langdistanceforhold og ulykkelig kærlighed. Pladen ender dog med at lukke sig lidt om sig selv hen imod slutningen, hvor minimalismen i længden er blevet for enerverende".





Heather Phares


"Metronomy's nods to the past feel more like footnotes than following too closely in anyone's footsteps. However, they sound more comfortable with their own quirks as well, giving more muscle to "Boy Racers" than their previous instrumentals, and more depth to "Reservoir," which is the closest it gets to a typical Metronomy song (if there is such a thing anymore). Confessional and insular, Love Letters is the work of a band willing to take pop success on their own terms and reveal a different -- but just as appealing -- side of their artistry in the process".