Music / electronica

Love what survives

Reviews (2)

The guardian

d. 10. Sep. 2017



Isa Jaward

d. 10. Sep. 2017

"Since their acclaimed 2010 debut Crooks & Lovers, production duo Dominic Maker and Kai Campos, AKA Mount Kimbie, have gradually shaken off their "post-dubstep" label with tunes better suited to sticky-floored indie dives than pensive, 6am bus journeys. On this third album they've all but replaced their former glossy, fragmented electronica with live instrumentation, krautrock drums and vocals from James Blake, King Krule, Micachu and Andrea Balency. As tracks quickly pivot between ragged indie rock, melodic dance music and wistful, tinkly tunes, the record feels disjointed, but a few productions stand out as some of their most inventive yet, particularly the intricate weave of synth and organic sounds on James Blake collaborations We Go Home Together and How We Got By".

Resident advisor

d. 8. Sep. 2017



Ryan Keeling

d. 8. Sep. 2017

"Collectively, the artists here represent a vanguard of leftfield UK pop that has its roots in London. Love What Survives won't make Mount Kimbie household names, but it finds them in a new creative space that suits them".