Music / rock


Reviews (3)


d. 13. May 2014



Marc Masters

d. 13. May 2014

"Love, in line with its broad title, is less unique than previous Amen Dunes efforts. There are more obvious reference points here-the solitary creep of Syd Barrett, the slow croak of Will Oldham, the bittersweet swing of David Kilgour, and the patient twang of Wooden Wand. But the decreased individuality actually makes the music stronger. McMahon is so open to (and adept at) simple melodies and turns of phrase that he's bound to evoke lots of other good music along the way, as if he's tapping into something more elemental".


d. 12. May 2014



Ross Horton

d. 12. May 2014

"If you're a fan of classical star-gazing pop from Mercury Rev to Neutral Milk Hotel and all the way back to The Byrds and Syd Barrett, there's a chance you'll be raving about this record to anyone within earshot. In what's turning out to be a vintage year for music (that makes three in a row now, right?), this could be the biggest revelation of the lot. It simply does not get any better than Love".


d. 9. July 2014



Perry Macleod Jensen

d. 9. July 2014

"På hvert eneste nummer kommer en ny idé i fokus, og det skaber en spændende variation på pladen, uden at det bliver for spraglet. Det eneste lavpunkt er det for lange og indadvendte titelnummer, der afslutter pladen ... Det er synd, at albummets sidste otte og et halvt minut trækker ned på en ellers glimrende lytteoplevelse, der med en sikker og velovervejet lo-fi-produktion fint kunne være et nyt pejlemærke for artister, der enten lyder for pænt eller for skramlet. Her går sangskrivning og produktion simpelthen op i en højere magisk enhed".