Music / operafilm

Lucrezia Borgia

Reviews (5)

Classics today




Robert Levine (musikanmelder)


"There's only one competitive DVD and that's on Kultur, with a slightly over-the-hill Joan Sutherland (who still sings rings around anyone else) and Alfredo Kraus, marvelous as Gennaro. The world could use an up-to-date DVD of this opera; it's a pity this one fails".

BBC music magazine

2021 July



Alexandra Wilson (musikanmelder)

2021 July

"All three principals are firstrate. Carmela Remigio (Lucrezia) combines vocal sweetness with dramatic muscle. Marko Mimica is a casual psychopath in a leather coat and buzz cut. And the young Spanish tenor Xabier Anduaga (Gennaro) has an ardent, yearning voice with exquisite ringing tones - definitely a talent to look out for ... There is a good deal here to please the bel canto enthusiast".

BBC music magazine

2014 March



Max Loppert

2014 March

"Whether you enjoy this latest issue ... depends crucially on whether you're a paid-up fan of Renée Fleming ... or whether like me you find her package of hostessy gesturing and skilfully manicured vocalisation hard to tolerate ... Elsewhere there are strengths ... Under Riccardo Frissa's expert baton the large ensemble is confident and tautly controlled. The male leads offer vivid characterisations ... But the make-or-break issue remains the prima donna".

The gramophone

2021 June



Tim Ashley

2021 June

"This new Lucrezia Borgia is a compelling if uneven affair, handsomely conducted by Riccardo Frizza, variably sung (albeit with some superb individual performances), and hampered in places by Andrea Bernard's production, which on occasion swamps insight beneath symbolism. Bernard is strong in capturing the decadent atmosphere in which the drama plays itself out ... Musically, there is much to admire. Frizza's conducting has real dramatic sweep ... The outstanding performance, though, comes from Anduaga, a wonderful bel canto tenor on this showing".

International record review

2013 December



John T. Hughes

2013 December

"Judging him on his performance of Gennaro I suggest that Fabiano deserves to be more widely known. He has an appealing lyric tenor, which he uses intelligently ... Fleming ... progresses through the work, culminating in the final scene, excellently done by her and Michael Fabiano ... Riccardo Frizza conducts and is gennerally satisfactory in his account ... John Pascoe presents ... what is a straightforward production on the whole".