Music / kor

Mass 3

Reviews (11)

d. 30. May 2013




d. 30. May 2013

"Janowski's reading, although not as spiritual as Jochum's, has a compelling breadth and symphonic sweep. The Suisse Romande players take on the accompaniments ... with all the idiomatic skills derived from their Bruckner symphonic cycle. The long-established Berlin Radio Choir ... produces a grand, internally well-balanced sound, and Janowski's four soloists ... are expressive, secure in pitch and work well together. Together, the whole ensemble tackles the fast and loud movements of the Gloria and Credo with abundant energy and stirring rhythmic lift ... Happily recommended, therefore".

MusicWeb international

2016 May



John Proffitt

2016 May

"Sound is first-class ... This set is unique in presenting Psalm 146 and is thus self-recommending. There are many recordings of the Mass, but this new CD from Gerd Schaller goes right to the top of the list with my strongest possible recommendation".


2016 janvier



Jean-Claude Hulot

2016 janvier


2014, nr. 55



Jörgen Lundmark

2014, nr. 55

"Det här är musik som även ställer mycket stora krav på uttolkarna ... Här ... ger Robin Ticciatis tolkning prov på riktig välklang. Han får samma kör - låt vara drygt 40 år senare - att klinga betydligt renare än på Eugen Jochums legendariska inspelning (Deutsche Grammophon) ... Överlag är Ticciati en extrovert och dramatisk dirigent. Det blir spännande och varierad lyssning".

Fono Forum

2014 Juli



Marcus Stäbler

2014 Juli

"Ticciati zeigt ... ein gutes Gespür fur die Architektur des einstündige Werks, mit seinen weit gespannten Steigerungswellen, den typisch Bruckner'schen Klangböcken unde komplexen Motivstrukturen ... Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks beeindruckt einmal mehr mit einem beriten und farbigen Klangspektrum ... Exzellent auch das Solistenquartett".

BBC music magazine

2008 December



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2008 December

"Perhaps it's not all gain, though. A touch more visceral choral edge would have given extra presence at times ... heavenly!".

The gramophone

2014 August



Philip Clark

2014 August

"Ticciati's feel for Bruckner intricate structure ... runneth over with instinctive wisdom, and he marshals a top-notch team of vocal soloists. Every time I hear the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra I'm reminded that they're real contenders; but what a pity this careful attention to detail has been torpedoed by sound balance problems".

International record review

2014 July/August



Richard Whitehouse

2014 July/August

"Throughout this account, the excellence of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra is equalled by that from the Bavarian Radio Chorus ... Certainly those yet to encounter the work's flawed majesty could profitably start with this newcomer".

The gramophone

2016 September



Christian Hoskins

2016 September

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "A superb pendant to his recently completed cycle of the symphonies. The orchestral opening of the Kyrie immediately catches the ear with its depth of expression and seriousness of purpose, and the performance benefits throughout from the commitment and radiance of the choral singing".

International record review

2008 November



Piers Burton-Page

2008 November

"The professional RIAS Choir from Berlin is always clean and fiercely incisive in attack ... no over-revenretial mush but instead a nicely audible orchestra".

The gramophone

2013 Awards



Malcolm Riley

2013 Awards

"Despite the heaviness of the scoring and big block textures of much of the choral writing, Janowski achieves a lightness and transparency throughout ... The greatest plaudit here goes to the bass, Franz Josef Selig, who is warmly resonant. This flawless performance is of the highest quality".