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Mozart Requiem - version Paris, 1804 - med Introitus af Niccoló Jommelli, opført ved Napoleons kroning.

Reviews (64)

RBB Kultur

d. 25. Mar. 2023



Matthias Käther

d. 25. Mar. 2023

"Wer glaubt, zum Mozart-Requiem sei alles gesagt, der wird hier freudig enttäuscht werden: Alpha Classics präsentiert mit einem Ensemble in Bestform eine erfrischend ehrliche Version von 1804, die auf unsichere Teile des Fragments einfach verzichtet. Und was wie ein Bonus wirkt, ist dann doch der eigentliche Höhepunkt: Paisiellos sinnliche und belcanteske Krönungsmesse für Napoleon, die den Opernkomponisten durchaus nicht verleugnet. Glückliche Kombi zweier Pariser Musik-Events von 1804, und eine echte Einstiegsdroge in die faszinierende Welt der geistlichen Musik um 1800. Rundum gelungen".





James Leonard


"The attempt to make Mozart's last work sound clear and crisp does not take it into Classical period practice, though, for Davis is decidedly not interested in making an authentic re-creation, so anyone who wants a solid mainstream reading of this work can be sure there are no stylistic surprises or editorial changes here".

d. 16. Nov. 2020



Thomas Gehrig

d. 16. Nov. 2020

"Um kaum ein anderes Werk ranken sich so viele Spekulationen und Mythen wie um Mozarts Requiem KV 626 ... Howard Arman gibt ... einen tiefen Einblick in die Vervollständigungsarbeit, für die er in der vorliegenden Interpretation verantwortlich zeichnet ... Ein meisterhaft konzipierter und durchdachter, völlig neuer Beitrag zur aufführungspraktischen Mozartforschung ist ihm mit seinen Ergänzungen ohne Frage dennoch gelungen ... Hinzu kommt eine musikalisch exzellente Ausführung ... Glänzend besetzt sind auch die Solostimmen ... Der Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks beweist mit dezidierten Klangsphären seine Klasse, Arman findet eine jederzeit ausgewogene Balance zwischen seinem Ensemble und den Solisten".

MusicWeb international

2020 December



Mark S. Zimmer

2020 December

"Mozart's final work, his Requiem Mass, is one of classical music's enduring puzzles. What can be made of it from the fragments that Mozart left on his deathbed? ... Howard Arman takes up the challenge with a novel approach of putting the Requiem itself into a liturgical context ... The final section is Sigismund Ritter von Neukomm's movement composed to conclude the Requiem from a liturgical standpoint, Libera ma Domine. Although it was written thirty years after Mozart's death, it is stylistically quite in harmony with Mozart/Süssmayr/Arman, and fits seamlessly into the programme. I'm not quite convinced by the use of the Vesperae, frankly ... Arman's realization of the Requiem comes across much better ... effective and emotional throughout. The Bavarian Radio Chorus sounds terrific ... The second CD is an episode from the Wege zur Musik (Way to the Music) series concentrating on the Mozart Requiem. Snippets of actors portraying Mozart, his wife Costanze, and others are interspersed with interview segments with Howard Arman about the music. The entire thing is in German, with brief musical examples throughout".

MusicWeb international

2021 January



Michael Cookson

2021 January

"Mozart's Requiem, KV 626 is the key work on the first CD here. Bayerischer Rundfunk has recorded the subscription concert ... in honour of the late Mariss Jansons (1943-2019) ... The second CD contains a 'spoken introduction' in German to Mozart's Requiem, in the manner of a radio play, with the music playing in the background ... Conductor Howard Arman's version is based on Mozart's sources and the additions by Süssmayr ... Arman's period-instrument chamber orchestra Akamus adopts speeds that feel ideal; the playing is clear, focused and lean ... Organist Raphael Alpermann excels again. The Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks has a fabulous, noticeably pristine line, and flawless diction ... The period-instrument performances of the Requiem and Vesperae solennes on the first CD stimulate and inspire, and are definitely worth hearing ... The second CD is a deterrent".

MusicWeb international

2011 July



Robert Hugill

2011 July

"This will not be a Mozart Requiem for everyone, but Currentzis and his performers give a brilliantly performed account, bringing a breezy freshness to the whole enterprise which is infectious. I will certainly be playing this again".


d. 22. Aug. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 22. Aug. 2006

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 23. Dec. 2014



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 23. Dec. 2014

"Suzuki er en grundig musiker, der ikke overlader noget til tilfældighederne ... Men bortset fra det musikhistoriske aspekt er det en fortolkning, der udmærker sig ved temmelig hurtige tempi, fine solister og en overdådig lydkvalitet ... En meget attraktiv udgivelse, som ikke mindst lyttere, der lægger vægt på, at der kommer en luksuøs lyd ud af højttalerne, vil vide at sætte pris på".


d. 16. Dec. 2014



Thomas Michelsen

d. 16. Dec. 2014

"Med det ene ben i graven skrev Mozart så meget af sit rekviem, han kunne nå ... Maestro Suzuki har selv udbedret manglerne og redegør for sine valg i bookletten. Med sine japanske styrker ser han noderne med røntgenbriller og rusker gennem 'Dies irae'. Det er mere til at gyse over end smovse i ... Solisterne er blandt de bedste, og foruden Rekviem får man 'Vesperae solennes de confessore'".


d. 11. Mar. 2008



Thomas Stolting

d. 11. Mar. 2008

"Det er anden gang, at Davis indspiller værket ... denne gang har han et bedre greb om partituret, og det er især en fornøjelse at høre det velsyngende kor, der har en flot egal klang. Davis formår i hele værket at skabe en god balance mellem sangerne og orkestret, det er med til at give en fin klarhed, og der er en herlig fremdrift i hans fortolkning ... Generelt fungerer samarbejdet mellem solisterne og Davis fint, og man kan glæde sig over kvartettens fine rene og harmoniske klang".


d. 14. Feb. 2018



Thomas Michelsen

d. 14. Feb. 2018

"Alt i alt føles dette som en kompakt, fremaddreven version, der holder fast i værkets alvor og angst for døden, og som åbner sig ved gentagne lytninger".


d. 14. Nov. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 14. Nov. 2006

"Thielemann holder sig til komponister, som talte tysk, men hans første Mozart-cd er ingen fornøjelse. Tempiene er ofte ret kvikke, men udtrykket alligevel klart på den traditionelt opulente side. Ingen konkurrence for Harnoncourt her ... Ikke noget Mozart-must. Snarere endnu en brik til billedet af en uforståeligt respekteret topdirigent".


d. 17. Oct. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 17. Oct. 2006

"Forventningerne afføder måske en anelse skuffelse. Dødsmessen er fuldendt spillet, sunget og optaget, men den umiddelbare dybe smerte får det lidt vanskeligere, fordi man mærker den gennemarbejdede tankevirksomhed bag ... Den bayerske Radios Kor synger så godt, at man ofte må holde vejret, og solisterne er unge og nye, hvilket i sig selv er en velsignelse".

Berlingske tidende

d. 10. Oct. 2006



Søren H. Schauser

d. 10. Oct. 2006

"München Filharmonikernes nye chef har overhovedet intet bud på Mozarts rekviem. Han klatter sig igennem hver eneste sats, slutter hver anden sats for langsomt, leder sine folk på en uendelig gammeldags måde".


d. 14. Dec. 2005



John Christiansen

d. 14. Dec. 2005


d. 16. Dec. 2005



Michael Bo

d. 16. Dec. 2005


d. 16. Dec. 2005



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 16. Dec. 2005


d. 13. Sep. 2005


d. 13. Sep. 2005


d. 7. Jan. 2002


d. 7. Jan. 2002


d. 8. Oct. 2003


d. 8. Oct. 2003


d. 26. Mar. 2003


d. 26. Mar. 2003


d. 13. Jan. 2003


d. 13. Jan. 2003

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 1. Nov. 2006



Bernhard Lewkovitch

d. 1. Nov. 2006

"En nyindspilning, der ... så meget mere fremhæver de bedste sider af værkets koriske og instrumentale dyder, hvor det sikre blik for optimal stræben i klanglig og melodisk henseende fra komponistens hånd opnås indtil fyldestgørelse. Det er den slags ting, man altid tør forvente og sjældent skuffes over, når så ypperlige kræfter, som her, sættes i spil".


d. 16. Dec. 2005



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 16. Dec. 2005

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 7. Dec. 2005



Bernhard Lewkovitch

d. 7. Dec. 2005


d. 16. Dec. 2005



Michael Bo

d. 16. Dec. 2005


d. 28. Nov. 2005



Knud Ketting

d. 28. Nov. 2005

Fono Forum

2023 Juni



Martin Hoffmann (musikanmelder)

2023 Juni

"Musikalisch war Napoleon offenkundig zunächst auf die Italiener fixiert. Und so komponierte ihm Giovanni Paisiello ... eine fulminante Krönungsmesse ... Im Dezember 1804 erklingt in Paris dann auch noch Mozarts Requiem zum ersten Mal ... Julien Chauvin, sein fabelhaftes Ensemble Le Concert de la Loge und der schlagkräftige Choeur de Chambre de Namur lassen hier ein zutiefst französisches Idiom entstehen, in dem die Wundervolle Sandrine Piau immer wieder vokale Glanzpunkte setzt ... Nie hat man Mozart französischer gehört!".


2023 mai



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2023 mai

BBC music magazine

2023 May



Sarah Urwin Jones

2023 May

"Chauvin plays the Requiem as it was heard in 1804 ... Le Concert de la Loge treat it all with power and premiere energy ... attentively articulated by orchestra and chorus - the excellent Choeur de Chambre de Namur - creating a true period storm with fine soloists including Sandrine Piau ... The Requiem's power contrasts with the tastefully joyful Messe pour Le Sacre de Napoléon".

BBC music magazine

2014 May



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2014 May

"Butt's Dunedin Consort recordings may draw from musicological findings, but the spirit they summon is a long way from dry or academic. His measured approach brings out the starkness and solemnity of Mozart's setting, while the recording highlights its distinctive colours in a near ideal ecclesiastical acoustic".

Fono Forum

2014 Juli



Andreas Friesenhagen

2014 Juli

"Zumal die Interpretation ein wenig zu sehr in Richtung Transparenz und Tempo gebürstet ist".

The Penguin stereo record guide




"Boehm's is a spacious and solemn view of the work with good solo singing and fine choral and orchestral response. It is not as dramatic a reading as Davis's with more modest forces nor quite as lively in expressive detail as the Frühbeck de Burgos ... An immensely polished performance in every way".

BBC music magazine

2013 July



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2013 July

"One disc is devoted to expounding the background, the issues and the various attempts at solving some of the problems [about this torso] ... The other, main CD contains a complete recording ... The standard of the performance is high, so long as you want a liturgical version, one that might be used at a service ... This is an educative set, and it is interesting to listen to the alternative versions".

Fono Forum

2014 Dezember



Marcus Stäbler

2014 Dezember

"Einzig die vier hervorragenden Solisten sorgen für Glanzlichter und repräsentieren jenes internationale Spitzenniveau, an das die Einspielung insgesamt nicht heranreicht".


2014 novembre



Jean-Luc Macia

2014 novembre

BBC music magazine

2014 Christmas



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2014 Christmas

"Vurdering: BBC music choral song choice" - "Balance generally ... is superbly managed by the experienced conductor, Laurence Equilbey ... Her soloists, too, match well as a quartet ... For all Equilbey's avoidance of theatricality it's the sense of detail, care and attention she imparts as well as fluency that makes her interpretation memorable".


2015, nr. 36



Jens Cornelius

2015, nr. 36

"Sikkerhed, klarhed og smagfuldhed er hele tiden i centrum, også på denne indspilning af Mozarts Requiem ... Den største nyhed er, at requiet spille i en ny fuldendelse, lavet af dirigentens søn ... En anden spændende idé ... er en alternativ udgave af satsen Tuba mirum, hvor tubaen - Mozart bruger en basun - kun spiller den indledende fanfare ... Alt i alt et klangligt let og afbalanceret Requiem".


2014 decembre



Jean-Luc Macia

2014 decembre

BBC music magazine

2015 February



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2015 February

"The performance is notable for its superb-clean orchestral edges and refinement - taken to an extent that the result can feel distanced, however perfectly articulated".

BBC music magazine

2008 April



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2008 April

"Recorded live at concerts held at London's Barbican in October 2007, this performance benefits from marvellous sound and shows Davis secure in his tempo choices and bringing that combination of solemnity, grandeur and drama to a work he particularly cares for. The orchestral playing is finely balanced and blended, the phrases nicely shaped. The four soloists are perfectly acceptable ... The main weakness is the choral singing ... there are lapses in pitch and tonal quality that might have been avoided with a smaller professional choir".

BBC music magazine

2018 January



Berta Joncus

2018 January

"Choral & song choice" -"Jacobs plays the choir like an instrument, as he does the band. The shape he coaxes from words, and the force he provokes from the ensemble, open out the new dimension of Dutron'e score".


2018, nr. 49



Henrik Engelbrecht

2018, nr. 49

"Det er komponisten og arrangøren Pierre-Henri Dutron, der har revideret Süssmayrs version af Mozarts messe. Faktisk en overbevisende version, hvor Dutron ikke blot holder sig til at korrigere Süssmayr, men aktivt komponerer med ... Jacobs ... ballast er barokkens udtryk, og han udnytter til fulde den spændstighed, et eliteensemble med speciale i 1700-tallets musik kan levere ... uden at sovse det hele ind i klistret romantik. Det bliver til gengæld måske en smule anonymt".


2006 fevrier



Piotr Kaminski

2006 fevrier

"L'interprétation de Jean-Claude Malgoire nous rappelle les meilleures qualités du chef ... Le choeur sarrois s'affirme avec un bonheur surprenant, préservant ... une diction et une articulation exemplaire ... Un Excellent quatuor soliste ajoute à une impression globale très favorable".

Fono Forum

2021 Januar



Susanne Benda

2021 Januar

"Die Fassung überzeugt: Sanctus, Benedictus und Agnus Dei erklingen ohne Retuschen ... In den unvollendeten Sätzen hat Arman instrumentiert und den Orchesterpart ausformuliert. Das hat er nicht mit dickem Strich getan, sondern sehr konzentriert mit dem Ansinnen, in der Begleitung möglichst wenige Figuren nur zu wiederholen ... Den BR-RUndfunkchor, die guten Solisten und die Akademie für Alte Musik, die zahlreiche aparte Akzente setzt, bringt Arman am Pult trotz ihrer nicht immer passgenauen Art der Tonproduktion und Klangformung zusammen".


2014 novembre



Jean-Luc Macia

2014 novembre

Fono Forum

2014 Oktober



Marcus Stäbler

2014 Oktober

"Ein Holzbläser von vollendeter Schönheit. Mit dieser berückenden Orchestereinleitung gibt Mariss Jansons die Richtung vor ... Der Niederländische Rundfunkchor ... klingt allerdings nicht ganz homogen ... Dafür überstrahlt Genia Kühmeier ihre Kollegen ... mit einem sinnlich leuchtenden und zugleich schlanken Sopran. Sie sorgt für die anrührendsten Momente".

BBC music magazine

2014 October



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2014 October

"The innumerable recordings of it bear witness more to its genesis than to its intrinsic merit, and this recording has an honourable place among them".


2014, nr. 57



Fredrik Fischer

2014, nr. 57

"Denna tolkning ... utmärker sig genom ett lugn och en värdighed inför döden och det hinsides ... Jansons mejslar och håller igen. Här skrider processionen fram och faller sedan i djupt känd bön om förbarmande ... Särskilt körens hantering av verkets fugor är mycket imponerande. Bland solisterna utmärker sig Padmore och Fink med klanger som går över i och berikar varandra".

BBC music magazine

2019 December



Kate Bolton-Porciatti

2019 December

"Herreweghe's account of the Mozart/Süssmayr Requiem is both majestic and intimate. Top-flight soloists, vital choral singing, stylish period-instrument playing and a glassy-clear recording".

The gramophone

2023 April



David Threasher

2023 April

"Mozart Requiem, says the cover, the asterisk leading to the rubric 'Version Paris, 1804'. Thirteen years after Mozart's death and four after the Requiem was finally published, it finally received its first performance in France - although not in anything like its familiar form ... The whole thing is over in a little more than 26 minutes, and 10 per cent of that is from another work altogether. Fascinating and musicologically valuable though all this is, one can't help feeling at times that Mozart's poor old Requiem has been chopped up and manhandled quite enough recently ... Around the same time in France Napoleon was proclaiming himself emperor, ... required music for his coronation and turned to the Paris-based Neapoliatan composer Giovanni Paisello. His 'Messe pour le sacre de Napoléon' favours melody over the counterpoint ... It doesn't get the 300-strong forces of the coronation ... but this far more calorie-controlled performance reveals it as a work of considerable imagination and charm".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. Oct. 1999


d. 4. Oct. 1999

The gramophone

2014 May



David Threasher

2014 May

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "This is one of the finest Mozart Requiems of recent years ... It is Butt's minute attention to details ... that makes this such a thrilling performance ... Blend and tuning are of an accuracy all too rarely heard, even in this golden age of British choral singing ... Instrumental sonority, too, is meticulously judged".

The gramophone

2013 July



David Threasher

2013 July

"A performance that emphasises the work's drama ... Nothing so straightfoward as the Süssmayr version, either: Alarcón opts to base his performance on Franz Beyer's 1971 edition but with many of his own amendments".

The gramophone

2013 July



David Threasher

2013 July

"The 'Lacrimosa' from Michael Finnissy's recent realisation ... truly whets the appetite for a complete recording ... The Academy of Ancient Music provide solid support and choral scholars sing lustily. The boys, however, have a tendency towards sharpness".


d. 16. Apr. 1999


d. 16. Apr. 1999

The gramophone

2017 November



Lindsay Kemp

2017 November

"Mozart's Requiem will never be finished, says French composer Pierre-Henri Dutron ... And, wisely, he makes no definitive claims for his work, which runs to two versions: Süssmayr Remade, which we get in this recording and in which Süssmayr's contributions are used as a basis for the reworking; and Mozart Extended (so far unrecorded), in which he strips out anything of Süssmayr's and composes new music of his own, so far as he can make it in Mozart's style ... In fact there are no massive surprises, and much of it sounds pretty much as we know it ... Jacob's conducting ... as ever he has plenty of ideas, and the lithe and alert playing of the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra and the firm singing of the RIAS Chamber Choir ensure that he is able to realise them with clarity and effective control of detail. He is thus a sympathetic interpreter of this probing but respectful version of the Requiem, one that sheds interesting emotional light on a piece that will never cease to fascinate".

The gramophone

2020 November



David Threasher

2020 November

"As the trend for recompleting Mozart's Requiem approaches its semicentenary, two new versions appear, each tackling the revered fragment in its own way ... Howard Arman ... strips Mozart's music of the clumsy traditional orchestration to fashion something both familiar and unfamiliar ... In terms of performance, Arman extracts full drama from the work with some driving tempos ... [His] well-filled disc also offers a vivacious Solemn Vespers".

The gramophone

2011 August



David Threasher

2011 August

"Draws back the curtain on the theatre of death and mourning, of fear and consolation, in a way that is not easily forgotten".

International record review

2014 September



John Warrack

2014 September

"Mariss Jansons is in full command of the Concertgebouw Orchestra at the top of its form, and he is blessed with a quartet of soloists who really do sing as a quartet and not a collection of soloists".

The gramophone

2014 August



David Threasher

2014 August

"A fine and worthwhile performance ... It is what could be described as a 'choral society' Requiem: the approach is by and large traditional, the edition used the standard Sussmayr. The cast of soloists could barely be equally and the Netherlands Radio Choir are well disciplined".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 10. Apr. 2000


d. 10. Apr. 2000


d. 9. Apr. 2000


d. 9. Apr. 2000

Information and editions