Music / rock


Reviews (3)


d. 8. Oct. 2020



Saby Reyes-Kulkarni

d. 8. Oct. 2020

"One has to imagine that either obliviousness, calculation, or some combination thereof are behind the Eastern Pennsylvania-based outfit's decision to model themselves on an aesthetic that's been out of vogue for the better part of two decades. Any which way, though, no one can accuse Tallah of lacking a clear sense of vision, or the resolve to carry it out".


d. 9. Oct. 2020



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 9. Oct. 2020

"Tallahs debut er ikke en overraskelse, ejheller kvaliteten af udgivelsen. Bandet har været dygtige til at dele på diverse streamingtjenester. Men at hele pladen holder et så flot et niveau, er en kærkommen overraskelse. Et debutalbum, der overstiger alle forventninger til trods for det begrænsede lyriske univers. En kærkommen positiv overraskelse i 2020".

Sonic Perspectives

d. 1. Oct. 2020



Samantha Buckman

d. 1. Oct. 2020

"Perhaps it takes a global pandemic and a heavy dose of global unrest for the appeal of nu-core to be fully realized, or perhaps it just takes a group with as much inventive dedication as Tallah to pull off a project this ambitious. "Matriphagy" is best consumed with heavy weights in sweat-slicked hands, or with headphones turned all the way up and adequate room to headbang. Its infectious energy is so intense right out of the gate that even the most critical voices of the genre, both past and present, will likely be unable to resist its raw aggression ... It seems that finally, nu-metal is dead: long live nu-core".

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