Music / rock

Tickets to my downfall

Reviews (4)





Fred Thomas


"While some songs are more interesting than others and some tend too close to blink-182 worship, Tickets to My Downfall succeeds more than it falters. While it would rank as a slightly above average album for any given pop-punk band, there's an added excitement in how risky this about-face is for a multi-platinum artist who could have easily turned in the same record he made last time".


d. 30. Sep. 2020



Pete Tosiello

d. 30. Sep. 2020

"Thematically, Tickets to My Downfall is hardly a departure from MGK's past work, but the new surroundings lightens his music up considerably even amidst the hormones and histrionics. With Travis Barker on his side, he might win over skeptics accusing him of trend-hopping, but the best part of Downfall is that he doesn't take the whole endeavor too seriously".

Gaffa [online]

d. 12. Oct. 2020



Elias Kvist

d. 12. Oct. 2020

"Endnu engang har MGK allieret sig med Blink 182-trommeslageren Travis Barker, der både agerer trommeslager og producer på albummet (...) Men lige lidt hjælper det på albummets forudsigelighed, da der ikke tages mange - om nogen - krumspring fra formlen. 'Title Song' åbner albummet (...) efterfulgt af 'Kiss Kiss', som faktisk aspirerer så meget imod poppen, at man tilgiver den manglende variation i tekstuniverset. Det samme gælder for 'Bloody Valentine', der trods alle lyriske klichéer fra drejebogen smager af en smule postpunk ... Herfra begynder ensformigheden dog for alvor virkelig at indfinde sig og min tålmodighed at slippe op ... der er så langt mellem snapsene, at intet helhedsindtryk består fra albummet".


d. 28. Sep. 2020



Ali Shutler

d. 28. Sep. 2020

"There's a rebellion in the fact Machine Gun Kelly has even made a record like this. Boisterous, full of sincerity and exciting enough to make you jump on a table in the middle of a board meeting, `Tickets To My Downfall' is an album that not only proves MGK can do whatever the hell he likes, but that also maybe pop-punk still has something important to offer the world".