Fono Forum2013 JuniByByArnd Richter2013 Juni"Die CD kann man wunderbar durchhören, sie lebt von sehr unterschiedlichen Gefühls-welten, von stark improvisatorischen Elementen, von schönen Klangkombinationen und von teilweise mitreissendem Groove".
International record review2013 FebruaryByBySimon Heighes2013 February"So here's the rub. Yes, L'Arpeggiata's precision plucking is lovely, but its musical Mediterranean is a fantasy - like all those sun-drenched holiday dreams ... This is not a voyage in a humble fishing boat, sampling real folk music at ports from Portugal to Turkey; we are on a tourist cruise - not a brash one, but a refined tour where we avoid any hard edges or uncomfortable truths. And that includes the music".