Music / rock


Reviews (3)

God Is In The TV

d. 15. Aug. 2018



Loz Etheridge

d. 15. Aug. 2018

"Mostly instrumental, I can only describe the predominant guitar sound throughout much of the long player as akin to Better Call Saul's theme tune, while Orions Belte themselves have a sound which suggests Fool's Gold (the Los Angeles band, not the Stone Roses song) careering into a tent full of hippie revellers indulging in copious bong fuelled highs and inevitable sessions of free love. And what could possibly go wrong there? Luckily for us, nothing does go wrong, as we're taken on a journey by the Oslo three piece, most probably into outer space - as the name itself would suggest - and not stopping until planet Earth is blue and there's nothing we can do".

Dagens næringsliv

d. 21. Sep. 2018



Audun Vinger

d. 21. Sep. 2018

"Gitarbasert instrumentalmusikk med et visst loungepreg? Ikke visste jeg at det var dét vi savnet, men da jeg så på de smilende og svaiende bergensdamene med lukkede øyne virkelig nyte en konsert med Orions Belte, på den herlige bransjefestivalen Vill Vill Vest sist helg, var det ingen tvil ... Dette er en kort plate det vil bli lett å sette på mange ganger utover høsten".


2018 September



Joshua French

2018 September

"Rarely do Afro-rock, kosmische Musik, psychedelic soul and dub effects comfortably share the same sonic space. On their inventive debut, Orions Belte boldly blend those distinct elements to present a startlingly novel sound ... Its spiralling effects, playful compositions, nuanced arrangements and dependable grooves are wrought with feeling. There's a clear admiration for Tishoumaren music, '60s R&B, and a production process that preserves subtle flaws: rattling of snare wires, amplifier hum and surges of bass energy, key to the rugged aesthetic ... Though fresh-faced, this group sound like well-travelled veterans".