Music / kor


Reviews (3)

BBC music magazine

2021 June



Jeremy Pound

2021 June

"Arvo Pärt's bigboned Miserere sees the Estonian composer at his most devastatingly powerful. It is excellently performed here, as are the shorter, but by no means insignificant, other works on the recording".

Fono Forum

2021 Mai



Susanne Benda

2021 Mai

"Das grosse Konzert zum 85. Geburtstag, das der mit Pärt eng verbundene BR-Chor 2020 geplant hatte, konnte Corona-bedingt nicht live stattfinden, fand aber Niederschlag in diesem Album ... Im Zentrum steht das gross angelegte "Miserere", das Pärt um 1990 komponierte ... Howard Arman und der Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks lassen mit emotionaler Glut und enormer Präzision den Tag des Zorns wie einen Blitz in die zuvor wie danach ins Solistische zurückgezogene, singende Menschheit hineinfahren".

The gramophone

2021 July



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2021 July

"No, of course we don't need another recording of choral music by Arvo Pärt. Or so one might have thought: hearting this particular album practically guarantees a change of mind in this respect. The first thing to strike the listener is the creamily rich choral sound, which ... adds an extra dimension in works such as the opening 'Which was the son of -' that some other outstanding ensembles, even when seasoned interpreters of the composer's work, cannot match".