Music / renæssance -> 1600

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Reviews (3)

MusicWeb international

2013 March



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2013 March

"There's an attractive nobility to the music in the new performances - anyone listening to this new recording certainly has a good opportunity to discover the rich music of this master of counterpoint".

Fono Forum

2013 April



Reinmar Emans

2013 April

"Aber selbst die kontrapunktisch so vertrackte Missa besticht mit einer fast durchgehend verspürbaren Natürlichkeit ... Dadurch entsteht ein unmittelbarer Sog mit einer geradezu ätherischen Wärme".

The gramophone

2013 June



David Fallows

2013 June

"What is so attractive about Ensemble Musica Nova is the way they sing out and are not afraid of the close miking ... Admire the beautiful ensemble of the group, their excellent tuning and their effortless control of the vocal lines, which are among the most initially unyielding of any music from the 15th century".