Music / opera

Moses und Aron

Reviews (8)

The guardian

d. 24. July 2014



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 24. July 2014

" It's one of the best ... the conductor Sylvain Cambreling had clearly prepared both the chorus, the young voices of the EuropaChorAkademie, and the orchestra, the SWR Symphony, punctiliously well; the precision of both is remarkable ... Mightily impressive".

Presto classical




"Outstanding recording of a rarely recorded masterpiece in the twelve-tone system of Arnold Schönberg ... Appearing in the role of Moses, the world-famous baritone Franz Grundheber delivers an impressive characterization of the prophetic/revolutionary ... and the EuropaChorAkademie are outstanding".

MusicWeb international

2006 November



Ian Bailey

2006 November

"Stuttgart Choruses and Orchestra acquit themselves well. The orchestra in particular appear to have benefited in this sort of repertoire from their association with conductor Lothar Zagrosek ... In conclusion I welcome this set, regardless of my criticisms".

Fono Forum

2014 August



Giselher Schubert

2014 August

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Eine Realisierung der Partitur, die noch genauer und zugleich nuancierter alle Einzelheiten des unglaublich differenzierten Tonsatzes hörbar macht, ist kaum vorstellbar. Hinzu kommt noch eine vorzügliche Besetzung der tragenden Rollen ... Das alles ist Ausdruck feinster und höchster Musikkultur".


2014, nr. 35



Jens Cornelius

2014, nr. 35

"Her er en hel tolvtoneopera for fuld udblæsning. Prøv at høre den! Det er et respektindgydende værk ... Musikken er udarbejdet med stor detaljerigdom ... lige så meget et oratorium som en opera ... Tenoren Andreas Conrad kaster sig ud på dybeste vand i rollen som Aron. Partiet er frygtindgydende ... men med stor autoritet forholder han sig frit til Schönbergs sprechgesang ... Indsatsen af alle involverede fortjener at blive anerkendt".

BBC music magazine

2006 October



Calum MacDonald

2006 October

"There are excellent things in this bargain-price Moses und Aron ... Perhaps most impressive is the natural way the big ensembles flow, the multifarious counterpoint of voices and instruments making complete musical and dramatic sense ... There's some first-rate orchestra playing too".

The gramophone

2014 Awards



Arnold Whittall

2014 Awards

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "The recording is particularly effective in its balancing of the disparities, always managing to convey the forceful lyricism that makes Schoenberg's fervent response to the biblical drama so much more than mere eye-music ... This imposing, intriguing opera is one of the most powerful contributions to 20th-century musical modernism and this recording does it justice".

The gramophone

2006 December



Arnold Whittall

2006 December

"A fine recording of Schoenberg's starkly emotional, post-Mahlerian opera ... the recording itself does well ito convey so much of the raw dramatic force of one of the 20th century's most remarkable operas".