Music / folkemusik


Reviews (2)

Roots zone

d. 13. Apr. 2014



Nils Thorlund

d. 13. Apr. 2014

"Anmelderen får en fornemmelse af at have hørt noget lignende før, og det er ærgerligt, for det hele er i høj grad veltænkt, velkomponeret og velspillet. Den komplekse lyd af diverse strenge-, blæse- og rytmeinstrumenter, tilført tilpas sære vokale udladninger, yder kompositionerne af modal og anden fortidig karakter fuld retfærdighed, og man fornemmer umiddelbart, at Seeberg har opnået præcis det, han ville med sin troldemusik".


2015 Jan/Feb



Chris Nickson

2015 Jan/Feb

"The seven-piece boasts fiddle, nyckelharpa, hurdy-gurdy, cello and double-bass among the instruments, which brings a very thick sound. Add in percussion, guitar, bagpipes and an occaesional flute and you've got something different. The brainchild of Danish folk veteran Martin Seeberg (...) their initial EP was nominated for a Danish Folk Award last year ... There's some real fire to the music, as well as more shade and light than you might anticipate ... Plenty of the sound is ideal for stomping around and scaring people, if that's your idea of a good time, but there's some remarkably skilful arrangeing involved to weave the different strands together. It's most definitely a Nordic album, with its heart very much in the folk tradition (plenty of two-part tunes, for instance), and what singing there is comes from the troll school".