Music / rock

My dreams dictate my reality

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 10. Apr. 2015



Pelle Sonne Lohmann

d. 10. Apr. 2015

"Albummet er lige 5-10 minutter for langt, og mod slutningen er værket mindre interessant, men kan man ellers leve med det tætte The Cure-slægtskab, er der virkelig meget godt at komme efter. Soko anno 2015 har udviklet en beundringsværdig flair for stærke stemninger og ikke mindst umiddelbart medrivende melodier, og så er kunstneren som altid mere end velvilligt indstillet over for at blotte sig godt og grundigt med vanligt udkrængende tekster".


d. 1. Apr. 2015



John Murphy

d. 1. Apr. 2015

"The infectious Temporary Mood Swings has the sort of hummable tune that's liable to drive you insane after just a couple of listens and My Precious is slinky, chic indie-pop of the type that Lykke Li does so well. It doesn't all work though - no content with disrupting the momentum on Azealia Banks` debut album, Ariel Pink pops up on two of the least memorable tracks, Monster Love and Lovetrap, which contributes towards a bit of a slump during the second half of the record. With 12 tracks (14 if you count the extra tracks on the `deluxe' version), it can all become a bit tiresome after a while, and some judicious editing would have helped no end in this respect".