Music / rock

Nothing violates this nature

Reviews (2)


d. 26. July 2013



Sam Shepherd

d. 26. July 2013

"It takes a special band to rise above the blitzkrieg blasts of the multitudes, and APMD are a special band indeed. They take the lump hammer required to force their amalgam of influences together and over the course of Nothing Violates This Noise, smash the (perceived) opposition into a bloody pulp ... Nothing Violates This Nature is a phenomenal record. It's different enough from its predecessor to show marked progress, but with all the original essentials present and correct. The bar was set high; All Pigs Must Die have set it higher still".

Consequence of sound

d. 31. July 2013



David Von Bader

d. 31. July 2013

"Vurdering: B" - "The (mostly) Boston-based band has returned with a sophomore full-length release and somehow managed to streamline the melange of blackened-blast beats, furious hardcore, and unchecked blasphemy displayed on debut God is War into an even more intense fever pitch of anger ... Surely, there are plenty of bands that fuse these most brutal of aggressive sub-genres (many of whom share a label in Southern Lord with All Pigs Must Die), but there is a superhuman force and a willfully ignorant level of intensity involved in this band's approach that simply places them in a realm almost entirely free of peers".