
Orfeo(s) : Italian & French cantatas

Reviews (3)


d. 9. May 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 9. May 2015

"Orfeus skulle aldrig have vendt sig om ... Det er tabet af Eurydike, som koreaneren Sunhae Im synger om på sit første soloalbum ... og med en fornem lyd burde der være plads til at få hjertesorgen til at kravle frem i legendemusikken. Det sker bare ikke. Man kan sagtens høre, at både Sunhae Im og berlinerorkestret kan deres noder, men der er ingen kant i fortolkningerne".

BBC music magazine

2015 June



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2015 June

"Sunhae Im is an impossible singer to pigeonhole. So much is utterly convincing - from the accepting serentity with which she floats Scarlatti's 'Sordo il tronco' to the way she inhabits the recitatives. Sometimes, though, the vocal tone tightens, and her sense of colour seems to derive more from the notes than from the timbre of the words themselves".

The gramophone

2015 May



Richard Lawrence

2015 May

"Im avoids triviality by investing her phrases with an appropriate urgency ... The playing, mostly one-to-a-part, is exquisite; so is the singing".