Music / kammermusik


Reviews (5)

The observer

d. 26. Feb. 2022



Fiona Maddocks

d. 26. Feb. 2022

"For a young musician, the stuff dreams are made of: Coco Tomita won the strings category of BBC Young Musician 2020 ... The playing, technically dazzling and characterful, bursts with musical intelligence, with the experienced Callaghan an expressive duo partner. The choice of repertoire, of her own devising, is a refreshing mix ... The sound of the recording, too, is top-notch".

MusicWeb international

2022 February



David McDade

2022 February

"This is the debut recording from the UK and Germany based Japanese violinist, Coco Tomita ... Sensibly, Tomita stays away from heavyweight repertoire and plays to her ample strengths of youthful exuberance and lashings of ripe tone. She is aided in this by a strikingly fine recording which affords her a highly glamorous sound even if it comes somewhat at the expense of her accompanist, Simon Callaghan. Whilst the spotlight remains firmly on the violinist, he is unfailingly responsive and his contribution to the Poulenc, in particular, is urbane and full of whimsy ... Tomita sets out her stall extremely well on this excellent, if rather short, debut CD. She plays to her strengths of spontaneity and seemly endless and endlessly varied gorgeous tone ... Catch her now, on disc and in person, so you can say you got in early on what will be an exceptional career".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 2. May 2022



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 2. May 2022

"Coco står i denne sammenhæng ikke som ellers for Concerto Copenhagen, men for den britisk-japanske violinist Coco Tomita ... Her spiller hun med en samlet varighed på knap en time 10 forskellige og ret varierede violinstykker, lige fra George Enescus "Ménétrier" til Claude Debussys "Beau Soir" ... Coco akkompagneres fint af den 38-årige britiske pianist Simon Callaghan, der efterhånden har fået godt gang i sin egen karriere".

BBC music magazine

2022 April



Terry Blain

2022 April

"This is a fresh, consistently stimulating account of Ravel's sonata, all the more effective for its avoidance of special pleading ... [in the finale] Tomita and Callaghan hit a groove facilitating both clean articulation and a gathering excitement ... Overall, this is a richly promising recording debut".

The gramophone

2022 May



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2022 May

"I can well imagine that before long Coco Tomita will be celebrated among the best younger violinists and this superbly produced and engineered recording (thank you Andrew Keener and Oscar Torres) should prove an excellent calling card".