Music / rock


Reviews (3)


d. 31. July 2014



Colin Joyce

d. 31. July 2014

"Hoffmeier (...) has abandoned the universally bummed out aesthetic that's marked all of her efforts so far. But rather than abandon the project's characteristic abstraction and abrasiveness, Hoffmeier uses Persona to diversify the moods that Puce Mary covers, offering disaffection, sexuality, and outright ferocity in addition to the desolation she's offered to date ... A flair for theatricality undercuts tracks that were already unsettling enough on their own. But in taking the risks that spawned those blunders, Hoffmeier has managed to create a varied and rewarding record that's uniform in its gloominess".

Mondo Nation

d. 28. July 2014



Roberto Adrian Martinez

d. 28. July 2014

"Frederikke's latest release, Persona out now on Posh Isolation, pushes the bar further for industrial or noise artists. In 2014, the industrial and noise genres can seem convoluted and over-saturated as more and more artists strive to use their means to create an experience that sets themselves apart from traditional forms of music. Persona is a text-book example of the "experience" that most artists strive to achieve".


d. 23. Mar. 2015



Anna Ullman

d. 23. Mar. 2015

"Mens Posh Isolation-navne som Lust For Youth og Iceage er kommet i høj kurs på den internationale popmarkedsplads, så er Puce Mary til gengæld blevet modtaget med åbne arme inden for moderne lydkunst og kompositionsmusik: Pladen er delvist blevet til under et gæsteophold på Elektronmusikstudion i Stockholm. At den københavnske undergrundsscene ikke kun breder sig til pop, men også til den etablerede kunstscene, er på en måde ikke så mærkeligt. Industrialscenen har haft et interessefællesskab med performancekunsten siden Einstürzende Neubautens sagnomspundne koncert på Londons Institute of Contemporary Art i 1984. Og udviklingen har været gunstig for Puce Mary, som uden at være bundet af genrekonventioner har lavet en plade, som er kødelig og invasiv, og samtidig virker fokuseret og slagkraftig".