Music / klaverkoncerter

Piano concertos nos. 3 and 4

Reviews (39)





James Leonard


"Though pianist Artur Pizarro's performances of the solo parts in Beethoven's Third, Fourth, and Fifth piano concertos are consistently superlative, it's not too much to say that the real draw here is not the soloist but the accompanists. Because as fine as Pizarro's virtuoso playing is, Charles Mackerras and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra turn in performances of such force, sensitivity, and balance that they may well be the finest accompaniments for these concertos ever recorded".

The guardian

d. 10. Apr. 2014



Tim Ashley

d. 10. Apr. 2014

"Say and Gianandrea Noseda are hard-hitting radicals when it comes to Beethoven and their recording of the Third Piano Concerto is one of most startling performances on disc ... This is very much a forward-looking account, epic in scale, darkly poetic ... The accompanying sonatas, however, are more equivocal ... The Concerto makes it essential listening, though, whatever you think of the rest".

MusicWeb international

2013 May



Michael Cookson

2013 May

"These are riveting Beethoven performances from a player who with remarkable musicality demonstrates that he can play with both terrific flair and vibrancy together with palpable sensitivity. All in all this disc make for an impressive first look at a remarkably talented performer".

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2020 November

"Back in 2018, when he was still a relatively fresh face, I absolutely loved Martin Helmchen's Alpha recording of the Diabelli Variations. I haven't heard him in Beethoven since, but this disc alone is a worthy contribution to 2020's Beethoven 250 celebrations. This team have now released three discs featuring all of the concertos involving a piano: this is the only one I've heard, but it's a winner ... The Triple Concerto is particularly good, the best I've heard since Howard Shelley's, and definitely one of the Beethoven 250 releases that I'll be playing for many years to come".

MusicWeb international

2023 March



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2023 March

"Beautifully played and sensitively accompanied though it is, this new recording of the Third Concerto presents the listener with one central issue: recorded balance. After the lean, crisp introduction provided by Petrenko and the RLPO, so closely is Boris Giltburg's sonorous, bell-like tone recorded here that the orchestral accompaniment seems to be more of a backdrop to a star soloist than an equal partner ... Giltburg is a poet of the keyboard ... I actually favour the Fourth above all ... Here the balance between orchestra and soloist is better".


d. 9. June 2009



Thomas Michelsen

d. 9. June 2009

"Hvad man får, er Beethovens tre modne og mest populære klaverkoncerter i stærke, direkte no nonsense-fortolkninger. Indspilningerne er på godt og ondt renset for pianistiske nøkker, sådan som man til overmål kan opleve dem hos en russer som Mikhail Pletnjov ... Man kan savne noget betoning hos solisten på steder, hvor de for alvor spændende pianister folder sig mere ud. Men spillet er i øvrigt dejlig klart og resultaterne til mere end bare tre triste hjerter".


d. 24. Aug. 2014



Jens Povlsen

d. 24. Aug. 2014

"Den portugisiske pianist [slår] de to klaverkoncerter an med ihærdighed og musikalsk glæde, og Pires hjælpes godt på vej af et velklingende og tændt orkester, der giver hende plads, men også selv forstår at brede sig. Det er Beethoven båret frem af begejstring og klarsyn, og når Pires tager fat om Beethoven, bliver han vedkommende - øjeblikkeligt og uimodståeligt".


d. 16. Feb. 2014



Jens Povlsen

d. 16. Feb. 2014

"Osmo Vänskä og Minnesota-orkestret med hænderne fulde af koncerter i c-mol. Resultatet er både knivskarpt og eftergivende og så fornemt afstemt, at musikken summer inde i hovedet længe efter den sidste nattemørke akkord".


d. 3. Jan. 2005


d. 3. Jan. 2005

Fono Forum

2016 März



Werner Pfister

2016 März

"Musiziert wird blitzsauber, alles sitzt, und alles klingt durchweg schön. Doch beim hören langweilt und ermüdet das zunehmend".


2016 fevrier



Patrick Szersnovicz

2016 fevrier

BBC music magazine

2016 April



Rebecca Franks

2016 April

"Emanuel Ax] is on masterful form for the Third Concerto ... His fulsome tone matches the rich, robust orchestral sound, and the tempos invariably feel right ... There's pure poetry in the Largo, and plentiful variety of articulation in a characterful Rondo finale".

BBC music magazine

2014 October



Misha Donat

2014 October

"These are generally fine performances, and Pires's many admirers will not be disappointed".


2014 octobre



Laurent Marcinik

2014 octobre

BBC music magazine

2012 June



Michael Church

2012 June

"After spending his teens winning competitions, this 24-year old Ukrainian is now embarking on a concert career. This recording shows off his refined and unerringly idiomatic artistry".

BBC music magazine

2021 January



Sarah Urwin Jones

2021 January

"Helmchen's playing is full of expression, subtlety, intelligence and energy, and it marries well with Manze's approach to the orchestra [Piano Concerto] ... No battle for supremacy here amongst these soloists [Triple Concerto] ... The generous interplay ... is a joy, finely judged, sensitive and exuberant in turn, and full of refreshing clarity".

BBC music magazine

2023 April



Erica Jeal

2023 April

"Giltburg doesn't deal in pianistic thunder but in long phrases and in unsignposted details of articulation, and in both concertos he and Petrenko generally draw out the contrasts and drama with a certain amount of subtlety ... Petrenko has the orchestra sounding rich and substantial ... This solid recording may not be quite distinctive enough to stand out in a crowded field; but if it were the only one in your collection you wouldn't be doing at all badly".


2023 juin



Bertrand Boissard

2023 juin

BBC music magazine

2014 June



Jessica Duchen

2014 June

"Fleet-fingered, ultra-articulated playing from Say, stopping just short of sounding mannered. His own cadenza in the Concerto's first movement builds impressive continuity into the coda".

Fono Forum

2014 Mai



Gregor Willmes

2014 Mai

"So bleibt dieser "Mondschein" blass im Vergleich zur grossen Anzahl der ernst zu nehmenden Konkurrenten auf dem Schallplattenmarkt".


2014 mars



Jérôme Bastianelli

2014 mars

Fono Forum

2022 August



Frank Siebert

2022 August

"Mit den Konzerten Nr. 1 und 3 beschliessen Kristian Bezuidenhout und das Freiburger Barockorchester ihre Gesamtaufnahme der fünf Klavierkonzerte Beethovens ... Liveaufführungen liessen das Musikerteam zu einer eingeschworenen Gemeinschaft zusammenwachsen und das Ergebnis dieser Vorarbeit kann sich durchaus hören lassen ... Spannend ist diese herbe Darstellung, die auf jeglichen philharmonischen Wohllaut versichtet und einen fiebernd-expressiven Beethoven-Sound hervorbringt, allemal".

BBC music magazine

2022 June



Jessica Duchen

2022 June

"In this recording Kristian Bezuidenhout's sensitive and nuanced playing on a modern copy of an 1824 Graf fortepiano taps into the extended reaches of Beethoven's imagination. The cadenzas have improvisatory flair aplenty ... The Freiburg Baroque Orchestra, however, accompanies the C minor Concerto with emotionally glacial, thuddy-drummed, razor-edged sounds, which appear all the more shallow and unsubtle when heard in contrast to the soloist's free-flowing and poetically expressive artistry. No. 1 in C major comes off better; there's a sense that the orchestra and its soloist are conceptually more at one".


2022 été



Wissâm Feuillet

2022 été

BBC music magazine

2008 September



Martin Cotton

2008 September

"In the more heavily scored music, the dry mono sound isn’t quite as good as in the Beethoven, which robs the finale of the power that’s undoubtedly in the performance. A historical curiosity, principally for Gould and Karajan fans".


2014, nr. 55



Johanna Paulsson

2014, nr. 55

"Sinnesstämningen i Mozarts ovanligt omfattande c-mollkonzert är både passionerad och dramatiskt omtumlande, ja rent av romantisk. I synnerhet när Sudbin släpper loss kreativiteten ... I Beethovens tredje pianokonsert är han däremot hemma på pianopallen igen med en kommunicerande virtuositet som fångas upp fint av Vänskäs välmanövrerade orkesterdynamik".

The gramophone

2015 December



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2015 December

"Of the two, it is the performance of the concerto that gives the greater satisfaction, which is a pity since the Mass is the rarer bird and even more elusive to the touch ... Robustly delivered, the San Francisco performance is more an all-purpose choral occasion than an attempt to meet the work on its own particular ground ... Ironically the performance of the C minor Piano Concerto ... has many of the qualities of refinement and imagination which that of the Mass lacks".

International record review

2009 May



Nigel Simeone

2009 May

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "There's no need for any hesitation here: this is a wonderful pair of discs of Beethoven's last three piano concertos ... Pizarro and Mackerras seem to share the same approach to this music - both have looked at these works afresh and have found new things in them".

The gramophone

2014 October



Bryce Morrison

2014 October

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Never for a moment does she over-reach herself or force pace and sonority ... Few pianists have ever been more true to their own lights and it is hardly surprising that her many performances of this concerto in London and elsewhere have become the stuff of legends ... It is my dearest wish that this will become a complete cycle".

International record review

2014 October



Stephen Pruslin

2014 October

"The present performances are beautiful in the ways one would expect, for instance Pires's immaculate fingerwork, crystalline sonority and natural, instinctive musicianship, but they are also musically revealing in ways that concerns Daniel Harding with regard to the relationship between tempo and cahracter".

International record review

2012 June



Colin Anderson

2012 June

""[Gorlach] is an assured musician. He plays wth commendable straightforwardness, not tempted to be different for the sake of it. His technique, as might be expected, is effortless, but his playing isn't glib. His music-making is clear-sighted and respectful ... He trust the composer without ever becoming slavish or bland ... As a calling card this release makes a very positive impression: these are seriously good interpretations".

The gramophone

2020 December



Patrick Rucker

2020 December

"Helmchen is extraordinarily adept at creating vivid contrasts between areas of repose and eruptions of energy. Without being fussy, he is ever on the lookout for the telling detail, be it in phrasing or passagework. His trills are wonderfully varied and always suited to their rhetorical context. If it is axiomatic to claim that Beethoven players stand or fall on the strength of their slow movements, in the hallowed climes of the Largo Helmchen must be declared a champion".

The gramophone

2023 April



Jed Distler

2023 April

"Petrenko continues to favour the kind of lean, transparent textures, rhythmic spring and crisply aligned ensemble work associated with Szell, Zinman and Dausgaard, along with Abbado in his latter-day Mahler Chamber Orchestra recordings ... Giltburg enters with decisive upward scales that signify his attentive solo presence throughout ... There's no question that Giltburg and Petrenko's Beethoven cycle proudly holds its own next to superb recent versions".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)


Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)

The gramophone

2022 June



Patrick Rucker

2022 June

"Editor's choice: Remember the Beethoven semiquincentennial? The 250th-birthday celebration ... One of the most exciting, fresh and downright beautiful projects originally planned to coincide with that birthday party has now reached completion ... Now, a year and a half later, the series wraps up with the release of the First and Third Concertos. It's been worth every second of the wait ... As a whole, these recordings stand as an important benchmark among original-instrument interpretations".

The gramophone

2008 November



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2008 November

"So Karajan had a struggle on his hands. Thanks to patches of fine string-playing and the sheer force of his advocacy there are moments of greatness here in what is often a strangely costive realisation. Taking the orchestra forward from this pit of incomprehension to the multi-faceted splendours of the legendary 1965 DG Berlin Fifth was some journey".

International record review

2014 April



Richard Whitehouse

2014 April

"It is a coupling that makes audible sense ... A persuasive account, then [Mozart], with that of Beethoven's Third Concerto even more so: indeed, this is aguably the finest of recent years ... Those looking for a modern version of the Beethoven that touches all the bases will find none finer".

The gramophone

2014 May



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2014 May

"The marriage of strength in exposition and sensitivity in accompaniment is more or less beyond compare ... This is the best of discs and the worst of discs, wisdom in Beethoven and in Mozart folly. But, rest assured, the Beethoven is not to be missed".

Information and editions