Music / electronica


Reviews (5)

Drowned in sound

d. 12. Oct. 2009



Chris Power

d. 12. Oct. 2009

"A bridge between electronic experimentalism and the powerful, groundbreaking unification of avant-garde form and catchy, commercial function that was just around the corner, Radio-Activity is the sound of Kraftwerk finding their way in a strange new landscape that they were in the very process of creating".





Jason Ankeny


"Radio-Activity marked Kraftwerk's return to more obtuse territory, extensively utilizing static, oscillators, and even Cage-like moments of silence to approximate the sense of radio transmission; a pivotal record in the group's continuing development, the title track — the first they ever recorded in English — is their most fully realized electro-pop effort to date".

Drowned in sound

d. 12. Oct. 2009



Chris Power

d. 12. Oct. 2009

"A bridge between electronic experimentalism and the powerful, groundbreaking unification of avant-garde form and catchy, commercial function that was just around the corner, Radio-Activity is the sound of Kraftwerk finding their way in a strange new landscape that they were in the very process of creating".


d. . undefined 20



Jason Ankeny

d. . undefined 20

"A concept album exploring themes of broadcast communications, Radio-Activity marked Kraftwerk's return to more obtuse territory, extensively utilizing static, oscillators, and even Cage-like moments of silence to approximate the sense of radio transmission; a pivotal record in the group's continuing development, the title track - the first they ever recorded in English - is their most fully realized electro-pop effort to date, while "The Voice of Energy" precipitates the robot voice so crucial to their subsequent work".


d. 9. Oct. 2009



Per Reinholdt Nielsen

d. 9. Oct. 2009

"Allerede med Radioaktivität (1975) var der sket afgørende ændringer. Maskinerne fik større gennemslagskraft, og musikkens kølige og rene linjeføringer fremstod mere klart. Mest afgørende var imidlertid, at hver komposition var som en popsymfoni, der var bygget op som variationer over uopslidelige, prægnante temaer med masser af potentiale for yderligere bearbejdninger i sig".