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På den lange rejse fra mammutjægernes lejr til Jondalars Cro-Magnon-hjemstavn må Ayla og han kæmpe mod en barsk og fjendtlig natur, inden de endelig når frem til foråret og lykken.

Reviews (1)


d. 30. Nov. 2011



Mike Schiller

d. 30. Nov. 2011

"Sinatra's first Christmas album, now 50 years old, sounds lovelier than it ever has thanks to the magic of remastering, but that's unfortunately faint praise ... He doesn't have his usual energy, and he sounds constrained by his surroundings. "Jingle Bells" and "The Christmas Waltz" manage to transcend these limitations, but they're not quite enough to make Sinatra's Christmas the definitive one of the era".