Music / rock


Reviews (4)

The skinny

d. 11. Dec. 2018



Mark McConville

d. 11. Dec. 2018

"Seasoned symphonic act Within Temptation search for clarity. The Dutch band, led by enigmatic vocalist Sharon den Adel, enchant with burgeoning guitar riffs and emotive lyricism; the raucous sound is still evident too. Burning desire still sparks in the bellies of this discerning unit of musicians. New record Resist is another chapter in the fable, the seventh addition to a collection all diverse in melody and subject".


d. 17. Feb. 2019



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 17. Feb. 2019

"Within Tempation har skabt et album fyldt af flotte kompositioner. Det er en plade der er forholdsvis let tilgængelig og musikalsk bør givet bandet nye fans. Det er en naturlig udvikling for bandet, der har søgt udviklingen over de seneste plader - især 'Hydra'. Der er såmænd intet galt i at søge den udvikling, men det klæder absolut ikke Within Temptation, at de forsøger at skjule sandheden".

Angry metal guy

d. 29. Jan. 2019



Steel Druhm

d. 29. Jan. 2019

"Resist is the sound of a band going through the motions of delivering what they think their audience wants to hear when they would rather do something else entirely. It's empty and uninteresting, and based on the trajectory of their sound, likely the last release of theirs we will be covering".


d. 31. Jan. 2019



Steve Beebee

d. 31. Jan. 2019

"Rather than making huge stylistic leaps in their mission to shake themselves back into life, what Within Temptation have created with Resist doesn't feel jarring or off-kilter. It's a variation on a theme, an essential realignment of this fantastic band's energy. The result is a superb, invigorated record that invites you to wake up, as they have done, in a brave, bold and beautiful new world".