Music / rock

Rip it up

Reviews (2)


d. 27. Jan. 2017



Chris High

d. 27. Jan. 2017

"Thunder, as the title of their latest outing suggests, Rip It Up and then some. 27 years in and Danny Bowes and his London/Brighton quintet still don't understand that they should be considered "old school" by now. Given that this is an album of exceptional freshness, wit and diversity, they're clearly not getting the message one bit".

Get ready to rock!

d. 6. Feb. 2017



Pete Feenstra

d. 6. Feb. 2017

"The claims that Thunder are bigger, better and harder than before are indeed born out by their new CD `Rip It Up', but the inevitable hype almost misses the point. Yes, the album is excellent, but the real reason for Thunder's successful return is their own indefatigable spirit which never settles for complacency. It's also the very reason their fans have stuck with them over the years.`Rip It Up' is a flagship album for all enduring classic rock bands. Thunder after all, operate in a musical genre that they have stretched out with a bluesy undertow for well over a quarter of a century. It's their ebullient performance of Luke Morley's well crafted songs that lay the foundations for a contemporary hard rock album with real heft.For a band that has been successfully reborn after two retirements and with a recent chart album and arena tour, there's a lot riding on `Rip It Up' and it delivers impressively".

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