Music / pop

Roma : music inspired by the film

Reviews (3)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"A very handsome collection inspired by a very handsome movie, Music Inspired by the Film Roma appears on the surface to be quite eclectic, containing everything from electronica soundscape to LatinX pop. The featured artists may be multicultural, but every contributor subscribes to a classy, immaculate aesthetic that makes the album flow easily, even unobtrusively. Sometimes, the tempo does pick up - Sonido Gallo Negro's "Cumbia del Borras" is a welcome inclusion toward the midway point - but much of the time, Music Inspired by Roma operates on a subdued simmer, not so much capturing attention as creating a mood".


d. 6. Feb. 2019



Philip Sherburne

d. 6. Feb. 2019

"The beauty of Roma comes down to its tone and its upending of narrative expectation. We expect big, tragic, pivotal things to happen, and for the most part, they don't. It's a quiet film about big ideas; a film about interior worlds that refuses to let viewers get too far inside its characters' heads. But Music Inspired by the Film Roma is none of those things. It's a reverse mood board, or at best, a kind of bizarre, sanctioned fanfic.".

Spill Magazine




Joseph Dominguez


"Each track is melodic and mesmerizing, capturing its own unique perspective on the film in a captivating way, but when all the songs are played back-to-back, the compilation feels a bit unorthodox, as it bounces from Eilish's poppy and moody "When I Was Older" to the classical Spanish of Reyez's "Con El Viento". The artists remain true to themselves and their sounds, but the album's narrative isn't entirely fluid, which may take a listener out of the trance-like state imparted by its source material. Nonetheless, Music Inspired by the Film Roma is a grandiose album, filled with well-orchestrated blends of personality and quality performances".