Music / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Rothko Chapel

Reviews (7)

The observer

d. 22. Nov. 2015



Nicholas Kenyon

d. 22. Nov. 2015

"Some works quietly become masterpieces: Morton Feldman's intense, spare and evocative Rothko Chapel (written for the octagonal building in Houston that houses his paintings) was challenging when new ... Now it seems an utterly natural, hieratic procession of contrasted friezes in which not a note is out of place ... After this half-hour immersion, anything else might be an anti-climax, but the sequence that follows of Erik Satie piano pieces (Sarah Rothenberg) and John Cage choral fragments (Houston Chamber Choir) traces a hypnotic line of innovation".

The guardian

d. 19. Nov. 2015



Kate Molleson

d. 19. Nov. 2015

"[Rothko Chapel is] a passionate, reverent piece with elegiac playing here from violist Kim Kashkashian - she paints bolder strokes than many dare in Feldman, which is refreshing. The Houston choir's singing is warm and percussionist Steven Schick creates a great sense of space and ritual".


d. 17. Nov. 2015



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 17. Nov. 2015

"Hvorfor har ingen tidligere fundet på at sætte den zenagtige amerikanske minimalisme af John Cage og Morten Feldmann sammen med Eric Saties stoisk rolige klavermusik? Ideen er i hvert fald ekstremt fascinerende og virkelig vellykket på denne ECM-udgivelse, hvor man totalt og badet i velklang synker i et med lyden af nøgne afmålte klangfigurer fra de tre komponister ... Bevidsthedsudvidende klangkrystaller, man kan blive høj af".


2016 novembre



Pierre Rigaudière

2016 novembre


1992 januar


1992 januar

The gramophone

2016 January



Philip Clark

2016 January

"In all my years of reviewing Feldman performances, I've never heard one so catastrophically misconceived as Robert Simpson's jazz-hands misreading of Rothko Chapel ... Best save your hard-earned moolah".

Fono Forum

2015 Dezember



Johannes Schmitz

2015 Dezember

"Nach dem Verklingen von Morton Feldmans Rothko Chapel, die den geneigten Hörer entspannt und erfüllt zurücklässt, offenbart sich, was für ein Meisterwerk die gesamte Anlage dieser CD von ECM ist ... Die CD Rothko Chapel kultiviert das Musikhören al einen Akt bewusster Hingabe ... In diesen Raum innerlich sich weitender Klangbilder möchte man immer zurückkehren".