
Sacred concertos

Reviews (3)

RBB Kultur

d. 15. Apr. 2021



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 15. Apr. 2021

"Das Ensemble 1684 aus Leipzig konzentriert sich seit vielen Jahren auf die mitteldeutsche Musik des 17. Jahrhunderts. Dabei spielt der Komponist Johann Rosenmüller eine zentrale Rolle ... Gerade ist das zweite Rosenmüller-Album des Ensembles 1684 erschienen, wiederum mit etlichen Ersteinspielungen geistlicher Werke. Dank einer sehr guten Ensembleleistung kann man sich nun wieder neu an diesen abwechslungsreichen Stücken, darunter mehrere Vespervertonungen aus Venedig, aber auch kleiner besetzte deutschsprachige geistliche Konzerte, erfreuen".

Presto classical




"Concertos for larger ensembles by [Johann Rosenmüller] ... In his works Rosenmüller succeeded in blending the new Italian colorfulness and tonal sensitivity with the gravity of Central German music into a unique, sublime style ... "The music speaks for itself, for it is filled with enthralling moments. Such a discovery would not be possible without such an impressive interpretation as that of the Ensemble 1684. The soloists shine in their outstanding textual articulation and flawless vocal technique; the instrumentalists always provide for optimally balanced dialogues" - of Vol. 1, in January 2018".

The gramophone

2021 August



Edward Breen

2021 August

"That Johann Rosenmüller (1619-84) is still something of a rarity in modern performance is particularly surprising considering the quality of music on this second disc devoted to his works by Gregor Meyer and Markus Berger's Ensemble 1684 ... The real stars of this disc are the instrumentalists of Ensemble 1684. From the many structural ritornellos to the Sinfonia prima, their superb artistry, particularly the warmth of the sackbuts and cornets, is always to the fore".