Music / kor

Vespro di natale
Christmas vespers

Reviews (17)

BBC music magazine

2010 Christmas



Anthony Pryer

2010 Christmas

"Vurdering: BBC choral song choice" - "Superb singing by The Sixteen ... Switches between rhythms are presented with flair and daring".

Fono Forum

2011 Mai



Marcus Stäbler

2011 Mai

"Für solche magischen Momente nimmt man gerne in Kauf, dass Christophers seinen Sängern viel Freiraum gibt - auch für ein gesundes Vibrato - und deshalb einen nicht ganz so homogenen (und keuschen) Klang wie manch anderes britisches Ensemble erzielt".

BBC music magazine

2012 September



Anthony Pryer

2012 September

"There is much variety and interest - the delightful solo singing (by Grace Davidson) in Sanctorum meritis II, the fine chromatic tuning of the choir in the Crucifixus ... The overall effect is lyrical, musical, intelligent and poised".

Fono Forum

2016 September



Matthias Hengelbrock

2016 September

"Die Darbietung der Compagnia del Madrigale ist stimmlich äusserst ansprechend, technisch superb und interpretatorisch schlichtweg kongenial".

BBC music magazine

2016 June



Anthony Pryer

2016 June

"As with other recordings by La Compagnia del Madrigale, we get superb tuning (the harmonies strongly secured by the rock-steady bass voice of Daniele Carnovich) and infinitely nuanced renderings of the texts ... Stunning displays of musical understanding outstripping previous recordings in this regard".

BBC music magazine

2013 July



Anthony Pryer

2013 July

"As we might expect, The Sixteen performances are lively and nicely tuned ... Throughout, the instrumental playing is sensitive and supportive".

Fono Forum

2013 Juni



Richard Lorber

2013 Juni

"Das klingt seltsam unentschlossen [Magnificat] und erst wenn sich alle Stimmen vereinigen, hat man wieder den satten, selbstgewissen Klang. Zur Belohnung höre man sich das "Credidi propter quod lucutus sum" an: ein homogener und zugleich durchgestalteter Ensembleklang mit einem leicht melancholischen Einschlag".


2022 decembre



Denis Morrier

2022 decembre

Fono Forum

2023 Januar



Reinmar Emans

2023 Januar

"Auch bei der Auswahl beweist Marcon unglaubliche Sorgfalt und viel Feinsinn. Jedenfalls überzeugt dieses "Rekonstruktion" auf ganzer Linie, was sich natürlich auch den vorzüglichen Sängern und Instrumentalisten verdankt. Selten wurde Monteverdi heutzutage so affektvoll und im Detail stimmig ausgeführt wie hier".

The gramophone

2010 December



David Vickers

2010 December

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "This first instalment shows Christophers and his musicians at their very finest, communicating an evangelising zeal for the music married to an obvious keeness to express words ... This promises to be a series well worthe collecting".

The gramophone

2012 August



David Vickers

2012 August

"Vol. 2 covers the most modern and old-fashioned compositions the elderly Monteverdi selected ... Choral refrains are supple, solos are sung eloquently and the Latin texts are communicated crispy".

International record review

2012 June



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2012 June

"This is another fine volume in The Sixteen's survey of the Selva morale e spirituale. There is a sense of a deep familiarity with the music in this recording, a feeling of easiness with Monteverdi's harmonic and, especially, rhythmic vocabulary that lends a tripping lightness to the performances that I find very British ... And the acoustics ... seem to be absolutely right for this ravishing music".


2016 avril



Denis Morrier

2016 avril

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2016 June



David Fallows

2016 June

"The main virtue of this issue is obviously the singing of La Compagnia del Madrigale ... a superb ensemble, with the wonderful Rossana Bertini as first soprano ... Their sound is beautifully focused, with just enough expression to make the best of the music without exaggerating anything [and] they are all fully inside Monteverdi's style and his music".

International record review

2013 June



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2013 June

"This is the final volume in The Sixteen's traversal of the Selva Morale e Spirituale ... Though I confess to preferring in general a weightier sound in this repertoire, this is music that suits the group very well indeed ... Monteverdi's polyphonic heritage is here made splendidly evident ... The instrumental ensemble is excellent and there is some truly outstanding continuo work".

The gramophone

2013 July



David Vickers

2013 July

"The choral, small ensemble and solo singing is always as accomplished as one expects from The Sixteen but singers benefit immeasurably from the subtly supportive continuo playing".

The gramophone

2023 January



Lindsay Kemp

2023 January

"Marcon's 'Christmas Vespers' retains the liturgical structure of responsory, five psalms, hymn and Magnificat ... Indeed, for purely musical impact Marcon's differs from its rivals mainly by that rich, organ-boosted sound and the largish 24-strong choir ... It is worth recording that it does not have much of an actual Christmassy feel - only two pieces have texts specific to the occasion - but there is no doubt that its choice of music brings rich gifts".