
Septem verba a Christo

Reviews (4)

The guardian

d. 21. Mar. 2013



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 21. Mar. 2013

"The music is both constantly surprising and often profoundly eloquent; Jacobs's soloists, as well as the instrumentalists of the Berlin orchestra, project that sense of devotional wonder without a trace of self-conscious piety".


2013, nr. 29



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2013, nr. 29

"Pergolesis i alt syv små kantater ... er intet mindre end en skatkiste af ekspressive øjeblikke ... Et ægte drama med rig brug af den napolitanske operas effektfulde virkemidler ... nu også indspillet for første gang. I eliteorkestret Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, fire fremragende vokalsolister og ikke mindst dirigenten René Jacobs har Septem Verba a Christo fået de bedst tænkelige formidlere ... En stærk fornyelse til påskens traditionelle repertoire".

BBC music magazine

2013 July



Kate Bolton

2013 July

"Vurdering: BBC music choral song choice" - "Jacobs draws a mood of passionate concentration, throwing into high relief that work's quasi-operatic drama ... There's some persuasive playing, too, by the Berlin ensemble: taut strings, magisterial brass and stylish continuo all bring this haunting work back to life".

The gramophone

2013 May



David Vickers

2013 May

"The authorship ... has been disputed for more than a century ... There is no doubting the enthusiasm of Jacobs, who offers some insightful remarks on the score's musico-dramatic features ... The indisputable highligh is the fourth cantata ... Fascinating stuff, whoever composed it".