Music / rock


Reviews (3)


d. 27. May 2018



Henrik Kjellerup Bro

d. 27. May 2018

"Albummets tekstunivers høvler som sædvanligt rundt i sex, gore og splatter med titler som 'The Beast Is Yet to Cum', 'Polterchrist' og 'Sodomesticated Animal'. Sidstnævnte er blandt de mere potente sange. Lordi bliver aldrig noget klassisk hard rock- eller metal-band, som vil gå over i historien som andet end det eneste reelle rockband, der vandt Eurovision Song Contest. Men bandet er nu ikke helt uden evner, når det drejer sig om at skrive nogle fængende, om end ikke særligt langtidsholdbare sange".

Distorted Sound

d. 26. May 2018



Lotty Whittingham

d. 26. May 2018

"Finnish metal monsters LORDI are back and they come fourth with their latest weapon of mass destruction; it is their ninth studio album Sexorcism and it will cause untold misery and despair to whoever dares listen to this specimen. In terms of when these monsters are concerned, that is a huge compliment ... Sexorcism overall is a great piece that should be bought with caution and care: not for the feint hearted or easily offended".

Cryptic rock

d. 21. May 2018



Vito Tanzi

d. 21. May 2018

"Overall, Sexorcism is thirteen tracks of raunchy lyrics and old-school Rock music. For the most part, the music holds up, but the lyrics are certainly an acquired taste. Fans of Lordi will most likely dig Sexorcism, but it may be more difficult for first-time listeners to get into this type of Shock Rock".

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