Music / pop

Shawn Mendes

Reviews (3)

Rolling stone

d. 25. May 2018



Brittany Spanos

d. 25. May 2018

"A few years can do wonders, and while Mendes is rapidly growing as an artist in front of the world's eyes, he still has maturing to do. The lyrics on Shawn Mendes have their share of male savior complexes and villainous women ("Queen," specifically, is an eye-roll-inducing bop), though he's not as aggressive in this regard as the male pop stars who have come before him or many of his contemporaries. Mendes' strength is in romance, and more than ever before, this teenager seems like he not only believes the words he is singing, but he's actually lived through the emotions behind them".

Gaffa [online]

d. 4. June 2018



Sara Elisabeth Nedergaard

d. 4. June 2018

"Så blev det Shawn Mendes' tur til at prøve kræfter med sit tredje album. Og det lover godt med førstesingle og albumåbner "In My Blood", der har Mendes' karakteristiske flødevibrato, som vi kender den ... Men så er Mendes pludselig lidt mere atmosfærisk og rocket på Khalid-duetten "Youth", hvilket klæder ham. Måske han skulle prøve den retning af, og så stoppe med at gøre, som pladebosserne siger. Nu er det tid til at blive voksen og finde sin egen stemme i pop-branchen, hvor alle helst skal lyde som Sheeran og Bieber for at tjene penge nok".


d. 24. May 2018



Hannah Mylrea

d. 24. May 2018

"But now in 2018 it's almost as if Shawn has hit the "reset" button, releasing his self-titled third album - the universal sign of a career regeneration - and moving away from the sugary sweet sound he won over the Internet with. Instead, he's produced a record that borrows from his mentor John Mayer, as well as huge stadium rock bands like Kings of Leon and R&B arena fillers like Bruno Mars".