Music / opera


Reviews (25)

d. 16. Jan. 2024



Oliver Bernhardt

d. 16. Jan. 2024

"2015 fiel der Startschuss für den 'Ring" des BRSO unter der musikalischen Leitung von Simon Rattle ... Grosse Stimmen ... Allen voran ragen Michael Volle und Georg Nigl als reichlich Bayreuth-erprobte Kräfte heraus. Volle ... ist derzeit wohl in der Wagner-Form seines Lebens ... Nigl überzeugt auf ganzer Linie als hinterlistig-verschlagener Alberich, Anja Kampe bis in kraftvolle Höhen als Brünnhilde, Franz-Josef Selig gibt einen Fafner mit kernig-verwegenem Bass. Simon O'Neill hat hingegen seine Mühe mit der Titelpartie ... Das BRSO zeigt, dass er Oper definitiv kann. Rattles Dirigat hat das dramatische Momentum jederzeit auf seiner Seite - und mit dem BRSO, von namhaften Kritikern kürzlich erst wieder unter die Top-drei der besten Orchester der Welt gewählt, den idealen Klangkörper zur Verfügung, um die Partitur in ihrem ganzen Farbreichtum auszuleuchten".

The guardian

d. 15. Nov. 2017



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 15. Nov. 2017

"The qualities that made the previous instalments such recommendable bargains are mostly maintained, though the standard of the singing is less consistently high. What is utterly consistent is the excellence of the Hong Kong Philharmonic's playing ... There's never a shortage of lustre or refinement ... Van Zweden's mastery of the huge dramatic arcs in all three acts of Siegfried never falters".

Classics today




Richard Levine


"This is a fine follow-up to the same group's Die Walküre released on Naxos last year ... Maestro Jaap van Zweden is again in the pit, and his marvelously-rehearsed Hong Kong Philharmonic ... plays with accuracy, brilliance, and color ... Simon O'Neill may not be the most intuitive Siegfried on disc, but he's among the brightest-toned and most solid ... Heidi Melton, a marvelous Sieglinde last year, is an excellent Brünnhilde ... The price and overall quality make this a brilliant choice".

MusicWeb international

2019 July



Paul Corfield Godfrey

2019 July

"Simon O'Neill, who we had already encountered as Siegfried a year before in Hong Kong, is as before a tower of strength in the title role, managing to encompass the most heroic elements of the score without any signs of apparent strain ... The sense of freshness and discovery is palpable throughout, as I have already observed, and this is a set of which the Hallé can justifiably be very proud. The orchestral playing is superlative".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



Paul Corfield Godfrey

2024 January

"As before, he [Simon Rattle] has ensured that he has access to some of the best Wagnerian singers in the world today. Rattle himself clearly takes considerable care over balances and pacing of the score. There is no sense of undue haste that can so easily take over during the many passages of febrile excitement ... Despite my reservations, this is a welcome addition to the Wagner discography in what bids fair to be an exceptionally good performance of Wagner's massive masterpiece.

Berlingske tidende

d. 21. Aug. 2007



Søren H. Schauser

d. 21. Aug. 2007

"Vi kan være stolte af Stig Fogh Andersen ... Men hvad der kunne have været et stort øjeblik for dansk musik, gider man ikke rigtig høre på. Lydkvaliteten er simpelthen for dårlig. Scenografien var i sig selv ret speciel, bl.a. sad orkestret et nyt sted hver aften og dét driller helt klart liveoptagelsen. Der trænger på skift for megen støj og for lidt sang igennem. Småfalske toner hos danskerens kolleger tyder også på, de ikke altid kunne høre sig selv".


d. 20. Aug. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 20. Aug. 2007

"Harmut Haenchen dirigerer en ret let og gennemhørbar opførelse, som klæder musikken og er behagelig også for nybegyndere i Wagner. Haenchen er en god fortæller med lune. Sangerholdet er godt. Stig Fogh Andersens Siegfried i begge de sidste værker er dejligt afslappet og flot sunget og trækker helheden op ... Det er ikke sensationelt, men godt, og der er - at dømme efter udvalgte scener - en fin helhed over denne Ring".


d. 25. Apr. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 25. Apr. 2006

"Tegner til at blive den største på cd af alle ... Wolfgang Windgassen er på sin ungdommeligt klingende højde i titelpartiet ... Den tekniske gengivelse er imponerende god og behagelig".


d. 18. Apr. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 18. Apr. 2006

"Legendarisk opførelse ... Den første stereo-optagelse af Ringen ... Keilberth dirigerede med en intensitet og skønhed, som stadig overvælder ... Wolfgang Windgassen var på sin karrieres højde som Siegfried ... Den musikalsk bedste Siegfried nogensinde".


2007, nr. 6



Steen Chr. Steensen

2007, nr. 6

BBC music magazine

2019 August



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2019 August

"The outstanding performances here come from the Hallé and their music director. With quality playing from all departments, Wagner's complex orchestral timbres are carefully presented, while Elder realises the crucial blend of lyricism with drama in an ideally paced performance".

BBC music magazine

2023 Christmas


2023 Christmas

"Rattle shows a keen awareness of orchestral colour and brings an impressive dynamism to the music. His tendency is to be quite speedy - and there is certainly virtue in such an approach".

BBC music magazine

2014 February



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2014 February

"In summary, the whole here is very much more than the sum of its parts - worth acquiring".

Fono Forum

2014 April



Gerhard Persché

2014 April

"Vor allem dort, wo Pathos droht, hält er die Zügel straff. Heldenverehrung undHagiographie schient ihm peinlich".

BBC music magazine

2006 April



David Brecbill

2006 April

"The 1955 "Siegfried" sounds perpetually alive and committed in a way that often eludes the studio recording's more considered and calculated dramatic realisation".

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Michael Scott Rohan

2017 Christmas

"Opera choice: Van Zweden ... evokes both its youthful energy and darker undercurrents, with excellent playing from the augmented Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra ... But every Siegfried hangs on the title role, and Simon O'Neill's steely, bright-toned heldentenor encompasses this killer part with deceptive ease ... He also manages to suggest youthful ardour without thuggishness. I've heard none finer in recent years ... A highly enjoyable performance".

Fono Forum

2018 Mai



Gerhard Persché

2018 Mai

"Van Zwedens analytisch genaues Tiefen-hören garantiert der Aufnahme die überzeugende Verwirklichung von Wagners Klangdramaturgie ... Umsichtig dosiert der Dirigent den Klang, trägt die Sänger über prekäre Stellen hinweg. So kann Matthias Goerne seinen Bariton belkantesk verströmen; sein Wanderer überzeugt durch noblen Ton und exzeptionelle textbehandlung".

International record review

2007 March



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2007 March

"This performance boasts a Siegfried who is at least passable, and quite often more than that. Stig Andersen ... sounds fresh and he stays the course ... The Netherlands Philharmonic produces some lovely sounds, though it still can't be as massive as it needs to be in, for instance, the mighty Prelude to Act 3 ... The vagaries of a live recording when the acting space is again circular, so that the singers disappear from earshot from time to time, are among the factors which make this recommendable only for those who want to add a new Siegfried to their already moderately capacious collection".

The gramophone

2019 July



Mike Ashman

2019 July

"Editor's choice: One of Elder's principal achievements in this cycle - and nowhere more so than in this newcomer - is that he has got this special sheen of stage experience from his symphony orchestra. An outstanding achievement, ... and one which should be placed very high in the 'form order' of competing versions".

The gramophone

2024 January



Peter Quantrill

2024 January

"Individual elements of thi 'Siegfried' live up to the high standards set by the previous instalments of the BRSO/Rattle concert Ring cycle. There is no shortage of volume and high voltage to Simon O'Neill's account of the title-role, first and foremost in the brave and free top of his voice on display in the Forging Song ... Those who enjoy Rattle's ever-deeper probing of Mahler and Bruckner may proceed with confidence ... Every point in this Munich 'Siegfried' feels pre-ordained as well as beautifully prepared".

International record review

2014 April



Hugh Canning

2014 April

"Once again, it is Janowski's work with his Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin that takes pride of place here ... It seems a shame, perhaps, that for the role of Siegfried, Janowski has chosen singers already represented on disc in that role ... The supporting parts are all strongly casts ... In sum, I have hugely enjoyed listening to Janowski's Ring".

The gramophone

2006 March



Alan Blyth

2006 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "A treasure emerges in all its glory after half a century's neglect ... groundbreaking production now acknowledged round as probably the most compelling in the work's history".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. May 2000


d. 8. May 2000

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 27. Sep. 1999


d. 27. Sep. 1999

The gramophone

2017 December



Mike Ashman

2017 December

"Naxos's new live recording ... reflects much of that simple joy and freshness sought by the composer in the opera, surely helped by the fact that many of the performing company here are nes (or new-ish) to their roles ... But the sheer youth and first-time excitement of this new release will make an intriguing freshener to you listening".

Information and editions