Music / opera

Die Walküre

Reviews (36)

The guardian

d. 9. Nov. 2016



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 9. Nov. 2016

"As before, the playing of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra provides the foundation of the performance ... Van Zweden's sense of pacing and drama never falters either, and some of the climaxes he engineers are thrillingly vivid ... Skelton is magnificent throughout, surely without a rival in the role today ... Overall, the performances become much more than the sum of their parts, some of which are outstanding anyway".

d. 19. May 2020



Benjamin Künzel

d. 19. May 2020

"Was Sir Simon Rattle und das Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks da an Wagnerscher Wucht, kammermusikalischer Finesse und theatraler Energie entstehen lassen, fesselt und überzeugt auf ganzer Linie. Das ist alles nicht zwingend neu, aber ausserordentlich und schlicht brillant ... Zweifelsfrei liefern Eva-Maria Westbroek und Stuart Skelton als Wälsungenpaar grosse Momente und stimmstarke Interpretationen ... Der heimliche Star des Abends ist Elisabeth Kulman als Fricka. Sie präsentiert die Göttergattin mit einer so fein abgewogenen Divenallüre, die den Hörer staunen lässt ... Es sei noch einmal gesagt: Unerhörtes bietet diese 'Walküre' kaum. Aber sie bringt vornehmlich die Grossen ihres Fachs zusammen und entfesselt einen Opernabend, der ein Nachhören definitiv lohnt".

Presto classical

d. 11. Nov. 2016



Katherine Cooper

d. 11. Nov. 2016

"Presto disc of the week: We were all pleasantly surprised by last year's Rheingold and with Die Walküre (out today) the cycle really hits its stride. Right from the taut, suppressed energy of the stormy prelude, Jaap van Zweden draws playing of immense subtlety and detail from his Hong Kong forces, who are so consistently engaged with the drama I'd have sworn we were listening to a staged production rather than a concert performance".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2024 January

"The Sterling label continues to release recordings of live performances starring Laila Andersson-Palme ... That the sound is remarkably good is evident from the opening bars depicting Siegmund's desperate escape ... The conducting and playing are first rate - an absolutely lovely cello solo precedes Siegmund's "Kühlende Labung gab mir der Quell" and the famous Ride of the Valkyries is splendid, despite a couple of singers struggling. However, it also soon becomes apparent that the weakest link here is Sven-Olof Eliasson, whose tenor has an uncomfortable slow pulse ... contrasting strongly with Lisbeth Balslev's full, vibrant soprano with its fast, flickering vibrato and her idiomatic delivery of the text ... In the end, the deficiencies on the male side of the cast here disqualify this performance from an enthusiastic recommendation unless you want a souvenir of Andersson-Palme's considerable achievement as Brünnhilde".

MusicWeb international

2020 June



Paul Corfield Godfrey

2020 June

"This recording, the second instalment in Rattle's Bavarian Radio cycle of the Ring, has been rather a long time in coming - Das Rheingold was released some four years ago - but presumably the conductor will now proceed with concert performances of Siegfried and Götterdämmerung in due course. If he has similar luck with his casting in these later music dramas - something that of course cannot be inevitably assumed - then I look forward to later instalments with eager anticipation. In the meantime, prospective purchasers of this Walküre can proceed safely".


d. 27. Sep. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 27. Sep. 2008


d. 20. Aug. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 20. Aug. 2007


d. 19. Aug. 2002


d. 19. Aug. 2002


d. 18. Nov. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 18. Nov. 2008


d. 7. June 2006



John Christiansen

d. 7. June 2006

"Det er historiens første stereo-optagelse af "Ringen", og den tekniske gengivelse er rigeligt god til at åbne for de store musikalske kvaliteter ... man mærker, at det for ham [Keilberth] og sangerne er et stykke om liv og død ... Man bliver indfanget fra første til sidste øjeblik ... Tænk, at den allerbedste gengivelse af "Nibelungens ring" først er på vej nu med 51 års forsinkelse".


d. 26. Mar. 2001


d. 26. Mar. 2001

Fono Forum

2017 Januar



Jürgen Kesting

2017 Januar

"Eine wie zom Schleier überdeckten Orchesterklang mit sanften Streichern und zurückhaltenden Bläsern. In der Klangperspektive stehen die Stimmen, gleichsam sanft gebettet, im Vordergrund".

BBC music magazine

2017 January



Michael Scott Rohan

2017 January

"BBC music opera choice. Like many conductors, Van Zweden seems to respond more naturally to this richer, more passionate score ... Drawing airy, luminescent textures from the Hong Kong players, he drives the drama excitingly ... His singers respond superbly ... Matthias Goerne ... brings Wotan's fearfull conflicts of love and desperation alive with a beautifully mellow bass tone ... Petra Lang's ... high notes soar with cutting power ... [in] a fine moving performance ... Among bargain recordings this is outstanding ... and it's competitive even among full-price versions".


2017 fevrier



Emmanuel Dupuy

2017 fevrier


2007, nr. 6



Steen Chr. Steensen

2007, nr. 6

Fono Forum

2020 Juli



Gerhard Persché

2020 Juli

"Simon Rattle ... demobilisiert das Klangbild ... scheint Distanz zu suchen - und auch sonst liegt ihm das Finetuning eher als die pompöse Geste ... So setzt Sir Simon seine Sänger akustisch in die vorderste Reihe, was freilich im Falle der Brünnhilde von Iréne Theorin nicht allzu günstig scheint ... Das Paar Sieglinde/Siegmund kann indes mit den bewährten Stimmen von Eva Maria Westbroek und Stuart Skelton überzeugen, und die exzellente Elisabeth Kulman sorgt als Fricka ... für subtile psychologische Nadelstiche".


2020 septembre



Emmanuel Dupuy

2020 septembre


2013, nr. 47



Axel Lindhe

2013, nr. 47

"Skickligt väver han långsamt tillsammans med sångare och sin välspelande orkester ett spänningsfält som jag stegvis sugs allt djupare in i ... Ett 'dream-team'-präglat sångarlag ... Sammantaget förtjänar den här upptagningen en plats bland de mest intressanta inspelningarna av denna den populäraste av Ringen-operor".

BBC music magazine

2013 May



Michael Scott Rohan

2013 May

"Vurdering: BBC music opera choice" - "The result, in superb sound, is revelatory ... Anja Kampe gives Sieglinde both lyrical beauty and narrative power, well matched by Jonas Kaufmann's Siegmund ... René Pape ... turns out to be the finest [Wotan] I've heard lately ... Most exciting of all is Nina Stemme's Brunnhilde, larger-voiced and steelier than one might expect, yet feminine, spirited and vulnerable ... So far this recalls, and must rank with, the great Rings of the 1960s. More, please".

BBC music magazine

2012 August



Michael Scott Rohan

2012 August

"Vurdering: BBC music opera choice" - "Sir Mark Elder is the driving force, with an approach that's powerfully measured and beautifully detailed, nowhere more so than in Act 1. His cast is also excellent. Even tenor Stig Andersen, after some disappointing recent performances, proves a capable Siegmund ... This special recording knocks spots off anything we've had from the continent in recent years".

The gramophone

2016 November



Mike Ashman

2016 November

"Van Zweden has broken free of both tradition and over-literal score-reading to interpret what is in front of him ... Goerne is in almost indecently good voice ... DeYoung argues Fricka's case with power and sweep ... [Struckmann] uses text rather than colour to frighten as Hunding ... This is an impressive and likeable achievement".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2001) 20. årgang nr. 2


(2001) 20. årgang nr. 2

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. May 2000


d. 8. May 2000

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 27. Sep. 1999


d. 27. Sep. 1999


d. 3. July 2002


d. 3. July 2002

Klassisk musik

2004, nr. 4


2004, nr. 4


2020, nr. 96



Carl-Henric Malmgren

2020, nr. 96

"Stuart Skelton gestaltar Siegmund. Och det med den äran. Hans bronsfärgade tenor gör sig tilsammans med Simon Rattle och Bayerska radions symfoniorkester ... Sopranen ... Eva Maria Westbroek presenterar sin expressiv Sieglinde och Iréne Theorins gåshudsframkallande Brünnhilde gifter sig vackert med James Rutherfords i rollen som Wotan. Den mogna klangen hos samtliga sångare är en lyx i en operavärld som alltmer värdesätter ungdom och säljande utseende framför konstnärlig fulländning".

The gramophone

2020 September



Peter Quantrill

2020 September

"All the principals involved in this second instalment of Simon Rattle's Bavarian Ring in progress ... recapture impressive and mostly believable levels of intensity in their exchanges so that, notwithstanding the strengths and frailties of individual performances, the drama's pathos and twisted family values come over as they should ... In fact the entire second act draws out the considerable best of everyone concerned but, taken 'in toto', this isn't quite the Walküre we might have hoped for from this source".

International record review

2013 March



Roger Pines

2013 March

"This show belongs to Jonas Kaufmann (Siegmund), whose bronzed timbre is deeply satisfying whether in heroic or intimate utterance. His legato is immaculate ... [Kaufmann] sings as thrillingly as any Siegmund since Jon Vickers ... Surely the most moving and beautifully sung Siegmund on disc ... The orchestra's virtuosity is rewarding ... The recorded sound is excellent".


2013 mars



Emmanuel Dupuy

2013 mars

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2013 May



Mike Ashman

2013 May

"Stemme has the measure of her role in spades ... Act 1 goes well from all three participants ... Gubanova is a lively, probing Fricka and the Valkyries a well-saddled bunch. The still decidely un-Western sound of Gergiev and his orchestra is a dramatic advantage to this opera's tense underlay ... Not a major challenge to old favourites such as Krauss or Barenboim".

The gramophone

2012 August



Arnold Whittall

2012 August

"Neither singer seems entirely at ease with the German text [Yvonne Howard, Susan Bullock], yet they are both as dramatically engaged as they would be on stage ... Stig Andersen is alert and characterful throughout, without excessive emoting, and Clive Bayley is an imposingly black-voiced Hunding ... Act 2 contributes greatly to confirming the overall conviction of Elder's approach ... Elder has a cast, as well as an interpretative stance, that ensure a distinctive as well as a memorable experience ... This recording should leave you in renewed awe at Wagner's genius - not a bad thing".

International record review

2012 September



Nigel Simeone

2012 September

"The results are extremely impressive and, as with Götterdämmerung it presents an interpretation that is compelling. Elder conducts with tensile strength and a really impressive sense of dramatic and musical achitecture ... Andersen may not have the unshakeable heft of some of his great predecessors, but his dramatic involvement, the pure unforced gleam of his tone and his fine sense of line all help to make this a powerful musical experience ... I'd suggest any opera collector seeking a fresh view of this masterpiece would do well to try this moving and impressive new recording from Manchester".

International record review

2006 February



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2006 February

"This would be a fine act if the recording were better".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2001) 20. årgang nr. 2


(2001) 20. årgang nr. 2

Information and editions