Music / rock


Reviews (3)

Louder than war

d. 9. Feb. 2018



Dave Beech

d. 9. Feb. 2018

"Going in to Sleepwalkers expecting something similar to Fallon's work with Gaslight is certainly going to leave you disappointed, particularly as the record rolls in to its second half. Approach with an open mind however, and what you'll find is a fantastic record from one of this generation's strongest songwriters. At times bombastic, and at others tender and delicate, it showcases the range of Fallon's ability exquisitely".


d. 9. Feb. 2018



Eric R. Danton

d. 9. Feb. 2018

"Whatever else rock 'n' roll represents, it has always been a refuge for dreamers, a safe space to indulge in overwrought idealism and earnest flights of fancy about love, or living a life that's kinder or braver or more adventurous than the real one. Fallon is nothing if not a dreamer, his music fueled by a head full of visions that are in some way sustaining. Or, as he puts it on "Neptune," "Maybe we believed in very, very foolish things/ Maybe these songs kept us breathing another tomorrow".

Gaffa [online]

d. 10. Feb. 2018



Casper Dons

d. 10. Feb. 2018

"Fallon blander en masse musikalske udtryk, hvilket medvirker, at albummet ikke fremstår som en helhed. På åbningsnummeret "If You're Prayers Don't Get To Heaven" er der Motown-vibes, på "My Name Is The Night (Color Me Black) bevæger vi os i rockgenren, mens albummet afsluttes på folk-manér med "See You on the Other Side". Det er et singer-songwriter-album, hvor hver enkelt sang kan spilles på en akustisk guitar, selvom Fallon pakker dem ind i forskellige musikalske stilarter. Det medvirker dog, at albummet ikke helt lyder, som om det ved, hvad det selv vil".