Music / rock

Local honey

Reviews (4)


d. 18. Mar. 2020



James Hickie

d. 18. Mar. 2020

"At just eight tracks long, Local Honey doesn't stick around nearly long enough. That's certainly not a charge you'd level against a release you don't enjoy, which Brian is still yet to make. As well as being excellent, Local Honey is evidence that the man himself is able to adjust his songwriting to his circumstances without compromising in its quality. It all makes for a seriously sweet listen that reaffirms the Jersey boy as a storyteller and songwriter par excellence".

Gaffa [online]

d. 27. Mar. 2020



Casper Dons

d. 27. Mar. 2020

"På Local Honey viser Brian Fallon, at han er en kunstner i sin egen ret, og at han skal tages seriøs som solist. Her bliver det skrøbelige selvsikkert, det minimalistiske bliver stort, det personlige bliver vedkommende, og det nutidige eviggjort ... Genremæssigt ligger albummet tættere på folk eller country end på rock, og det klæder Fallon ... Ydermere formår albummet at levere otte varierede sange samtidig med, at det fremstår som en stilistisk og udtryksmæssig helhed".

American songwriter

d. 27. Feb. 2020



Jason Scott

d. 27. Feb. 2020

"Brian Fallon has never been so vulnerable. His third solo effort, Local Honey, fuses the pitter-patter of his heartbeat with the kind of intimacy felt through albums like Emmylou Harris' Wrecking Ball and Bob Dylan's Time Out of Mind, both evident benchmarks for this release. His songwriting burns into the atmosphere in a way that never has before; perhaps, that's largely owed to the minimalist framework - or lies in his emotive vocal twists. Either way, Fallon's words grind you to a halt".


2020 May



George Garner

2020 May

"Local Honey feels like the defining solo statement that had previously eluded Brian Fallon. Regardless of whether those albums were compelling (2016 debut Painkillers) or uneven (2018's Sleepwalkers), his search for autonomy often resulted in a Gaslight Anthem record in everything but name. That is why this svelte, mostly acoustic collection is so refreshing. Though no stranger to quieter excursions, the sustained delicacy here accentuates his gift as a lyricist to striking effect".