Music / rock

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Reviews (3)


d. 31. Jan. 2020



James MacKinnon

d. 31. Jan. 2020

"The personal is political, and individual conflicts are really shared struggles. It's this core empathy - and a knack for writing tunes catchy on a pandemic scale - which makes the band so relatable. Arriving just at the right time for its message to feel truly resonant, Sorry For The Late Reply is a bold, brave, brilliant work".

Under the radar

d. 5. Feb. 2020



Stephen Mayne

d. 5. Feb. 2020

"Sløtface has delivered a mightily impressive follow-up, zooming in on past strengths, then leaning out to add more. This is an infectious, sharp record, different enough without losing what works. And when it works, which it frequently does, it really works".


d. 31. Jan. 2020



Hannah Mylrea

d. 31. Jan. 2020

"Middle-finger-raising bangers to soundtrack the end of the world ... The Norwegian punks return, as politicised and full of fizzing energy as ever. And this time: it's even more personal".