Music / kor

Stabat mater

Reviews (6)


2020 mai



Benoît Fauchet

2020 mai

BBC music magazine

2020 July



Christopher Dingle

2020 July

"Arvo Pärt's music predominates, culminating in an enrapturing performance of his Stabat Mater. Graham Ross judges the spacious juxtapositions of movement and silence exquisitely, the Dmitri Ensemble's explosion of energy in the third interlude being simultaneously surprising yet entirely natural ... The overall impression is of exquisitely beautiful voices floating apparently effortlessly, the opening of Pärt's Nunc Dimittis seemingly emerging from the ether".

Fono Forum

2020 Juli



Marcus Stäbler

2020 Juli

"Der transparente, vor allem in den Oberstimmen knabenhaft reine Klang britischer Chöre passt wie gemalt zur Musik von Arvo Pärt. Das belegt auch die neue Aufnahme des Choir of Clare College aus Cambridge. Mit seinen gut dreissig jungen Sängerinnen und Sängern formt der Dirigent Graham Ross Linien und Akkorde von kristalliner Klarheit, die dem schlichten Ton von Pärts Werken entspricht ... Peteris Vasks' "Plainscapes" verwebt die Solostimmen von Geige und Cello mit Vokalisen des Chores zu einer sanft strömenden Meditation: James MacMillans Miserere von 2009 verneigt zich vor der berühmten Allegri-Vertonung ... Ein besonders Höhepunkt auf dieser spannenden Chor-CD".

BBC music magazine

2021 December



Jeremy Pound

2021 December

"Pärt's Stabat Mater is heard here alongside works for string orchestra, with the composer's trademark fluid, meditative style captured perfectly by the Munich Radio Orchestra, who deliver a deeply emotive performance with thick, rich textures".

The gramophone

2020 June



Andrew Mellor

2020 June

"This is a focused and absorbing programme ... The highlight is Pärt's 27-minute Stabat mater, whose meditative arc roots both singers and players more into a form of collective expression ... The choir shows the best of its blends in Pärt's clean, triadic architecture - sopranos on point in the Magnificat, with clear colours from the whole ensemble in the Nunc dimittis ... While there might be more authoritative performances of each of these works avaiable, nowhere are they ranged as thoughtfully on disc as here".

The gramophone

2021 December



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2021 December

"Surely not another Pärt compilation! Yes, and a compelling one it is ... A beautiful poised performance from Munich players, with superb sound ... If, as has been said, this work is 'ritualised weeping', then the performers on this recording will convince the listener to weep with them".