Music / kor

Stabat mater

Reviews (7)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 20. Feb. 2018



Astrid Belschner

d. 20. Feb. 2018

"Das "Stabat Mater" war Joseph Haydns erstes grosses kirchenmusikalisches Werk ... Der Kammerchor Stuttgart beweist bei dieser Aufnahme wieder einmal mehr, dass er zu Recht den Ruf als einer der führenden Chöre seiner Art besitzt! ... Nur wenige Chöre klingen so homogen ... Er singt zudem beweglich, schlank und lupenrein in der Intonation ... Das Hofkapelle Stuttgart ... spielt sehr inspiriert. Die Musiker spielen auf historischen Instrumenten, dem Charakter und dem Stil des Chores zugeordnet. Das Solistenquartett besteht aus Sängerinnen und Sängern ... die sich auf seine Klangvorstellung einlassen, was fast durchgängig gelingt. So ist auch diese CD eine absolute Empfehlung".

MusicWeb international

2023 April



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2023 April

"Stabat Mater is a 13th century hymn to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, depicting her sufferings during the crucifixion ... What the congregation in the Schlosskirche in Eisenstadt heard 256 years ago differs however quite a lot from René Jacobs and his forces offer on this recording ... Here, the work is performed in the version Haydn in 1803 commissioned his pupil Sigismund Neukomm to expand the orchestration ... This pays dividends, not least in the two bass arias (tr. 5 & tr. 11) which are the dramatic highpoints. Overall, it makes the music grander, more extrovert and suited for concert purposes ... The performance is taut and committed ... The four soloists are excellent ... To sum up, this is a highly recommendable recording of a Stabat Mater with a special twist: the enlarged wind orchestration from 1803".

Presto classical

d. 3. Apr. 2023



Katherine Cooper

d. 3. Apr. 2023

"Editor's choice - March 2023: Using the 1803 edition of the score for expanded wind section which Haydn prepared in collaboration with Sigismund Neukomm, Jacobs gives the Stabat Mater full-scale operatic treatment on this arresting recording, which grabs you by the scruff of the neck right from the opening bars; Immler supplies blood and thunder aplenty in the 'Pro peccatis', and in Jacobs's hands the 'Flammis orcis ne succendar' would scarcely sound out of place in the Verdi Requiem".

Fono Forum

2018 Juli



Gerhard Persché

2018 Juli

"Insgesamt mag diese Einspielung dank Frieder Bernius, dank seinem Stuttgarter Kammerchor und auch dank der beflissenen Musiker der Hofkapelle Stuttgart als Referenzaufnahme gelten".


2023 mai



Simon Corley

2023 mai

BBC music magazine

2023 June



Misha Donat

2023 June

"Jacobs is a conductor who always strives to inject as much drama as possible into his performances, and he vividly conveys the sobbing effects and the stabs of pain that run through the Stabat Mater ... This is generally an impressive performance, helped by an accomplished team of soloists and a strong choral contribution from the Zurich Sing-Akadamie".

The gramophone

2023 September



David Threasher

2023 September

"The 32-strong Zurich Sing-Akademie acquit themselves with untiring zeal, really lifting the climactic fugue off the page, accompanied by the period-instrument Basel Chamber Orchestra ... Jacobs, as expected, wrings every drop of drama from the music with dynamic manipulations and swingeing accents, maintaining a pitch of intensity even in the longer, more prolix movements".