Music / rock

Still life

Reviews (4)


d. 17. Oct. 2014



Paul Thompson

d. 17. Oct. 2014

"Kevin Morby's a wanderer, a journeyman: here today, gone tomorrow. Pretty much every song on Still Life-the second LP in a year's time from the former Woods bassist/Babies co-founder-finds Morby on the move, setting off to sea or motoring away, never to return again. Listening to the rich, reflective Still Life, it's easy to picture Morby with a wineskin under his arm, his every worldly possession hitched to his back, an eye constantly fixed on some faraway point on the horizon. All this wayfaring's clearly taught him a few things; catch him in just the right mood, and he's got stories to share, hard-earned wisdom to impart".





Fred Thomas


"The upbeat "Motors Runnin" is a standout, addressing the endless and unpredictable ride of being alive while summing up the restless wonder, excitement, and confusion that lie at the core of the album and find a different voicing from song to song".


d. 10. Dec. 2014



Tobias Carroll

d. 10. Dec. 2014

"What makes Still Life particularly intriguing is its introspective tone. Though much of the album is aggressive in its tempos, the mood continues to circle around to the pensive, moving from catharsis to solemnity and back again. Or, to put it another way, it's a map of a mind that doesn't feel self-indulgent".


d. 21. Feb. 2015



Anna Ullman

d. 21. Feb. 2015

"Han [slutter] sig til den voksende flok af følsomme mandlige guitarbetvingere som Kurt Vile og Cass McCombs. Og ligesom dem lægger Morby sig i det støvede hjulspor fra Neil Young, Lou Reed og Bob Dylan - sidstnævntes fortættede og fabulerende billedsprog er i hvert fald stærkt til stede på åbningsnummeret »The Jester, The Tramp, & The Acrobat«. Det er en samling sparsomme, men dybtfølte sange med Morbys raspende livskyndige vokal i front, som på den bedårende »All of My Life«, hvor han demonstrerer sin evne til at bevæge med få midler".