Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphonies no. 3 'Organ' & 'Urbs Roma'

Reviews (19)

d. 25. Oct. 2021



Jürgen Schaarwächter

d. 25. Oct. 2021

"Empfehlungen der Redaktion: Jean-Jacques Kantorow strukturiert das Werk in großer architektonischer Klarheit ... Der Streicherklang ist warm und gut ausgewogen, die Bläser sind von grosser Exaktheit und offenkundiger großer Spielroutine - eine echte Ensembleleistung unter einem inspirierenden Dirigenten. Auch der Organist Thierry Escaich versteht sich auch als Teil eines grösseren Ganzen, so dass alle Facetten der Komposition in dieser vorbildlichen Interpretation ganz natürlich und organisch ineinandergreifen".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"I am happy to report that the team finally rises to its potential in this enterprising disc of Saint-Saëns' music for organ and orchestra ... Organist Vincent Warnier ... is remarkably convincing, and an excellent example of how a symphonic organ can be used to play highly entertaining transcriptions of basic repertoire ... Slatkin has finally whipped the orchestra into shape and they deliver a very enjoyable performance ... Altogether this is a very pleasing and worthwhile release".

The guardian

d. 22. Jan. 2015



Tim Ashley

d. 22. Jan. 2015

"[Cyprès et Lauriers] is formidably played here by Vincent Warnier, with the ONL on fine form for Leonard Slatkin ... Danse Macabre comes in an organ transcription by Edwin Lemare that nicely displays Warnier's virtuosity".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"So this is a mixed bag. Like most documents of "occasions", you have to take the good with the bad. I need to stress that as usual the orchestra plays fabulously, and both the Barber and Poulenc are pretty terrific. But by the same token the main item is the symphony, and Eschenbach is simply out of his element here ... This program promises much but only partially delivers, and the fault lies squarely with the guy on the podium".

The guardian

d. 5. Oct. 2017



Erica Jeal

d. 5. Oct. 2017

"Saint-Saëns's two best-known works were written in the same year, but while the Organ Symphony cemented his reputation, The Carnival of the Animals was kept as a secret, shared only with friends who he knew wouldn't laugh at him for having indulged in such frivolity. Soloists from Antonio Pappano's Rome orchestra, the Accademia di Santa Cecilia have a high old time with it here, their playing brightly coloured and characterful ... The Organ Symphony is recorded live, with Pappano conducting the full Santa Cecilia orchestra in a performance that maintains its momentum and punch through to a decidedly epic-sounding conclusion".





James Manheim


"There is undeniable fun in hearing conductor Antonio Pappano and piano superstar Martha Argerich take on the "Pianists" section, which depicts a pair of amateurs, and Pappano is a more than solid interpreter of the Symphony No. 3, which wears a neoclassic disguise, but has a delicacy and sensuousness in its quieter passages that reveal the composer as closer to Debussy than either one would probably have wanted to admit. The resurgent Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia sounds fabulously delicate in the symphony's quieter passages".

MusicWeb international

2021 November



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2021 November

"I'm so pleased that the Saint-Saëns centenary has brought so many good new recordings of his music, including a lot of work that hasn't really been before the public so far ... Jean-Jacques Kantorow and his Liège orchestra have already recorded Saint-Saëns' other three symphonies ... We owe them a debt of gratitude for putting this one before our ears again. They play it beautifully, with perky winds and glowing brass, brought to evocative life in the intimate acoustic of Liège's Salle Philharmonique. Kantorow clearly believes in it completely, because he conducts it with great spirit and genuine conviction. Their recording of the Organ Symphony can also hold its own in a much more crowded marketplace ... It's great playing of super repertoire, and the "Urbs Roma" symphony alone is enough of a reason for it to demand your attention".

MusicWeb international

2015 June



John Whitmore

2015 June

"I've not come across the early A major symphony since it appeared many years ago on a long lost LP ... The performance is excellent and has been captured in warm, close sound ... Turning now to the much recorded Organ Symphony ... It's smooth, plush and warm but it just isn't particularly exciting. The fast passages are lacking bite".

MusicWeb international

2015 May



Gwyn Parry-Jones

2015 May

"This is an attractive and interesting programme ... A fine disc, with excellent orchestral playing throughout, guided by sure-footed stylistic and structural direction from Soustrot".

BBC music magazine

2021 December



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2021 December

"[In Urbs Roma] Kantorow elicits vigorous playing, with sharp contrasts, and manages the imaginative die-away ending with sensitivity ... This performance [of the Organ Symphony] is almost entirely excellent".


2015 mars



Paul de Louit

2015 mars

BBC music magazine

2015 July



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2015 July

"This intelligently planned, well played and excellently recorded programme presents three major factes of the composer's career: the child prodigy, the master orchestrator, and the pillar of the Establishment ... The only new things in Marc Soustrout's reading are to do with tempo and, in my view, are not to the work's benefit".


2015, nr. 65



Gunnar Lanzky-Otto

2015, nr. 65

"Marc Soustrots och Malmösymfonikernas lovvärda Saint-Saëns-cykel går vidare ... Den nya inspelningen är absolut intressant, fräsch och uppfriskande rakt igenom ... Klar hörvärt, även om alternativ som Barenboim och Levine (båda DG) eller Münch (RCA) knappast görs överflödiga".

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Jessica Duchen

2017 Christmas

"[In the Organ Symphony] Pappano brings us a drama in music that undoubtedly compels and raises the hairs at every turn. The only trouble is that it leaves one wondering whether Saint-Saëns really is being ideally served ... Carnival of the Animals ... is pure fun, and even if it is delivered with unusual heat, the high energy and glittering pianism prove irresistible".


2017 octobre



Paul de Louit

2017 octobre

Fono Forum

2018 Januar



Matthias Kornemann

2018 Januar

"Clou der CD ist nicht die Orgelsinfonie, sondern die Besetzung des etwas angegilbten Karnevals der Tiere: Martha Argerich und Antonio Pappano an zwei Flügeln, umrahmt von einem exzellenten Solistenensemble ... was nicht zuletzt daran liegt, das Antonio Pappano ganz fabelhaft Klavier spielt".

The gramophone

2021 November



Andrew Farach-Colton

2021 November

"There are many striking things in this new account - listen, say, to the near frenzy Kantorow finds in the Scherzo, or to how sweetly the woodwinds of the Liège Royal Philharmonic sing their lyrical lines".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 1 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 1 (2005)

The gramophone

2017 December



Mark Pullinger

2017 December

"[In] the Organ Symphony ... Pappano's orchestra pack a punch but their reading is quite measured ... Organist Daniele Rossi gently underscores the orchestra in the Poco adagio - Saint-Saëns never meant this as an organ showpiece but a symphony with organ ... [In] The Carnival of the Animals ... Pappano's menagerie is well caricatured and this is a fun performance ... Argerich and Pappano have tremendous fun as a pair of hesitant, apologetic amateur pianists, and their aquarium ripples and swirls hypnotically ... A fun trip to the zoo, but I'm less convinced about the coupling".

Information and editions