Music / andre koncerter

Concerto pour orchestra

Reviews (30)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"There hasn't been a coupling of these two iconic works this successful in, well, decades ... Start with the Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta ... Mälkki sounds just about perfect ... The Helsinki strings play with extraordinary discipline ... It's a great performance. So is that of the Concerto for Orchestra. Perhaps the best thing I can say about it is that it sounds like a genuine collaborative effort between conductor and orchestra ... This really is an exceptional release. If you love this music, be sure to hear it".

Klassik heute

d. 1. Dec. 2021



Holger Sambale

d. 1. Dec. 2021

"Das Philharmonische Orchester Helsinki erweist sich einmal mehr als Orchester von Weltrang, das mit grösster Präzision Bartóks äußerst kunstvolle und vielschichtige Texturen durchhörbar und erfahrbar macht. Dieser Eindruck wird durch die gewohnt exzellente Klangqualität des Labels BIS noch verstärkt".





Blair Sanderson


"Commencing a series on Onyx dedicated to the orchestral music of Béla Bartók, Thomas Dausgaard and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra deliver dynamic performances of one of the composer's greatest works, the Concerto for Orchestra, SZ 116, accompanied by the less famous but deserving Suite No. 1, SZ 31, presented here without cuts ... Recorded in February 2019 at the City Halls of Glasgow, the sound is full and vibrant, with clear details and rich tone".

MusicWeb international

2023 November



Leslie Wright

2023 November

"Recommended: There have been a number of accounts in recent years of the Concerto for Orchestra, where the virtuosity of the orchestra is taken for granted and the sound of the recordings is state-of-the-art. That is true here, too, but in addition Alexandre Bloch reveals the folk nature of these works to a degree that is second nature only to Hungarian conductors. With Amihai Grosz, as soloist, we have an account of the Viola Concerto that is outstanding in its virtuosity and warmth".

MusicWeb international

2024 January



David McDade

2024 January

"Recording of the month: In most recordings - even very fine ones such as that by Kim Kashkashian on ECM - it comes across as a rather dour score. Not so with Grosz ably backed by the Orchestre National de Lille under Alexandre Bloch. What emerges from their hands is a much more playful and, more significantly, a more folk inspired work than we usually hear ... It is not often a recording makes me hear a work wholly differently and I owe immense gratitude to Grosz and Bloch for deepening my appreciation and love for a work - the viola concerto - which I only previously admired. That they also provide a different perspective on that piece by pairing it with a very fine account of the Concerto for Orchestra makes this a very lovable disc indeed. If you are looking for hardcore modernism best look elsewhere but for the warm heart of a composer too often unfairly seen as forbidding look no further".

MusicWeb international

2021 November



Dave Billinge

2021 November

"There is no right way to perform any piece of music ... Where Mälkki frequently finds beauty, Solti finds precision, a characteristic throughout the comparison ... Even so, both convey the music superbly well ... and I am confident I would still regard this newcomer as an excellent addition to that library shelf ... Recommended with enthusiasm".

MusicWeb international

2021 December



Hubert Culot

2021 December

"Recommended: People have their favourite versions of these two major works ... I have enjoyed to the full the readings by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra and Susanna Mälkki. The ensemble has all the technical qualities and the commitment needed to do this glorious music full justice. The performance of the masterly, marvellous Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta is certainly one of the finest that I have heard".

The gramophone

2020 January



David Threasher

2020 January

"Dausgaard pays acute attention to Bartók's markings, accentuating the seriousness of the Concerto's opening movement and the cheekiness of the Giuoco delle coppie, with its parade of instrumental duets ... Dausgaard's care with both works pays off and augurs well for subsequent volumes".


d. 7. Mar. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 7. Mar. 2006

"Det er forbløffende, så samlede Ozawas strygere er. Smidige og velspillende som bare pokker i en "Koncert for orkester", der også byder på dejligt drilske træblæsere og en besnærende flothed".


d. 4. Feb. 2002


d. 4. Feb. 2002

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 20. Apr. 2005


d. 20. Apr. 2005


d. 27. Feb. 2006



Jakob Levinsen

d. 27. Feb. 2006

"Midt i al brillansen, som det amerikanske orkester får det optimale ud af, maner Eschenbach også en smerte og et format frem i koncerten, som her er så tæt som nogensinde på at ligne den store symfoni, Bartók aldrig skrev".

BBC music magazine

2012 June



Misha Donat

2012 June

"Two quintessential Bartók works in fine performances. The Concerto for Orchestra, in particular, is a piece that suits Marin Alsop down to the ground, and one that allows her to put her Baltimore players through their pieces ... with both intelligence and vitality, producing a vivid performance. The Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta is a harder piece to bring off ... However, this is an impressive account".


2012 juillet-août



Patrick Szersnovicz

2012 juillet-août

BBC music magazine

2021 Christmas



Jessica Duchen

2021 Christmas

"Orchestral choice: Mälkki and her Helsinki Philharmonic offer performances that are at once satisfying, dazzling and individual. There's a poise, indeed an elegance, to the basic good posture of these interpretations, held on a taut rein, with shifts of energy splendidly controlled and unshakable technical excellence worn nonchalantly ... The playing itself is superb, often virtuosic, while Mälkki's concept combines the composer's imagination at both his brightest and darkest with an almost Mozartian sense of structural balance".

Fono Forum

2022 März



Bernd Feuchtner

2022 März

"Ein vorzügliches Orchester und eine bei Bartók ausgewiesene Chefdirigentin, was lag da näher, als die Bartók-Serie um die beiden sinfonischen Hauptwerke des ungarischen Komponisten zu erweitern? Auf der Strawinsky-Hindemith-Skala verschiebt dieses Album Bartók ein wenig in Richtung auf Letzteren, was die Sämigkeit und das Musikantische betrifft. Der superbe Klang ist durchsichtig und transportiert viel Sinnlichkeit. Die Strukturen werden ebenso lustvoll deutlich wie die Dimensionen des Ausdrucks".

BBC music magazine

2018 April



Misha Donat

2018 April

"Concerto choice: These new recordings are really splendid, with sensitive and thoughtful playing from the Spanish pianist Javier Perianes, and meticulous conducting from his compatriot Pablo Heras-Casado ... Heras-Casado's tempo is fully in keeping with the composer's Allegro vivade marking. The recorded sound in both works is exemplary".

Fono Forum

2018 Juni



Ingo Harden

2018 Juni

"Die weiss-blauen Philharmoniker folgen Pablo Heras Casado beweglich und präzise, der 40-jährige Spanier führt gewandt und mit sicherem Formsinn durch die Partituren, und er hat in seinem gleichaltrigen Landsmann einen technischt überlegen und klanglich perfekt ausgewogen spielenden Solisten. - Ein lohnender Bartók, besonders für Bartók-Beginner".

BBC music magazine

2006 January



Erik Levi

2006 January

"America's legendary orchestra is back on formidable form ... there are several fine Concerto for orchestra ... but this latest version, recorded with brillance and clarity by Ondine, goes to the top of the tree for its combination of insight, brilliance and musicality of line".


2020, nr. 57



Mikael Garnæs

2020, nr. 57

"På denne cd får vi både et kendt og et ukendt værk. Det kendte er hans sidste orkesterværk og største hit, 'Koncert for orkester' fra 1943, det ukendte er ungdomsværket 'Suite nr. 1' fra 1905. Det er første gang suiten indspilles i den originale uforkortede, halvtimelange version ... et sprudlende og udadvendt stykke musik ... Det får en rigtig god opførelse af Thomas Dausgaard og det skotske orkester, der spiller skarpt og præcist, med virtuositet og stor rytmisk elan".


2020 janvier



Patrick Szersnovicz

2020 janvier

BBC music magazine

2020 February



Jessica Duchen

2020 February

"Dausgaard and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra make a convincing case for this sometimes disorientating piece [Suite No. 1], with plenty of drive and contrast, plus consistently well-defined characterisation. The Concerto for Orchestra is played with tremendous relish ... Recorded sound quality is sympathetic and clear, enabling the detailed writing to be heard without resonant overkill".

BBC music magazine

2006 January



Martin Cotton

2006 January

"This is one of the most accurate versions of the piece I've heard ... A lack of essential roughness, which means that the first big string outbursts in the first and third movement are swoony rather that passionate".


d. 11. May 1999


d. 11. May 1999

The gramophone

2012 July



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2012 July

"Warmth and vitality are appropriate keywoards for this coupling ... well played, persuasively interpreted and nicely recorded ... Marin Alsop and her players generate plenty of energy ... A fine bargain and a creditable starting point for those wanting to dip a toe into Bartokian waters".


2021, nr. 107



Axel Lindhe

2021, nr. 107

"Mälkkis approach till Bartók kan, i brist på bättre ord, kanske bäst beskrivas som "analytisk". Hon styr musiken med säker hand och noggrannheten gör att inga detaljer går förlorade ... Visst gåt musiken att tolka med mer hetta och spöklikhet, men Mälkkis något nedtonade "Bartók-atmosfär" känns ändå väldigt tilltalande. En inspelning som förtjänar sin plats i skivhyllan vid sidan om andra välrenommerade tolkningar".

The gramophone

2021 December



Edward Seckerson

2021 December

"Editor's choice: Susanna Mälkki ... and the outstanding Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra work more conspicuous magic on two staples of the repertoire ... Mälkki and her orchestra marry a cool, lucid beauty to unsettling intensity ... It's all very impressive both in terms of virtuosity and charaterisation ... brough home with a breath and fervour which is right up there with some of the best accounts on record".

The gramophone

2018 March



Edward Seckerson

2018 March

"The Third Piano Concerto ... is Bartók in repose contemplating his homeland from afar, half-remembered melodies given a singing expressiveness to which Javier Perianes brings great warmth ... The two Spaniards dispatch the finale's lust for life with the requisite panache".

The gramophone

2006 January



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2006 January

"Light-textured, intense performance ... you can tell you're listening to a quality band".