Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 5

Reviews (28)

The observer

d. 20. Mar. 2016



Stephen Pritchard

d. 20. Mar. 2016

"A four-movement concert suite, captured here in all its excitable glory, Tugan Sokhiev urging his Berlin players into something of a frenzy. It's worth hearing for the mighty closing crescendo alone. The Fifth Symphony dates from 1944 and ... appears on the surface to embody the defiance of wartime Russia, but as this performance amply suggests, it is no mere piece of propaganda but a blazing hymn to the enduring spirit of all humanity".

Kulturradio RBB

d. 13. Apr. 2016



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 13. Apr. 2016

"Sokhiev, geboren in Nordossetien und ausgebildet in St. Petersburg, bringt für die Deutung gewiss erstklassige Voraussetzungen mit. Das helle, transparente Klangkapital des DSO legt er gewinn- und sinnbringend an, indem er ein kristallin geschärftes, brenzlig frisches Klangbild ohne jeden romantischen Fettrand präsentiert".





James Leonard


"This is a sonically stupendous recording of a less remarkable performance of Prokofiev's Fifth Symphony. Telarc's 2007 sound is staggering in its clarity, color, and impact ... By steering a course that neither stresses nor slights the work's enormities, Järvi and the Cincinnati Symphony succeed in creating a truly fair performance, a performance that fulfills but does not exaggerate the work itself. The Lieutenant Kijé Suite that follows is just as well played and well judged as the symphony, but with more exuberance and wit".


2013, nr. 28



Jens Cornelius

2013, nr. 28

"Hvor går man hen, hvis man synes godt om Prokofievs vidunderlige ballet Romeo og Julie? Et godt bud er den 5. Symfoni. Det er et gavmildt stykke musik med fire indholdsrige satser, der er lyriske, gribende og fantasifulde ... Hvis man synes, at Prokofievs musik plejer at være larmende eller irriterende, så prøv at lytte til den alternative stil her. Den viser vej til en mere underspillet og underfundig side af denne helt specielle komponist. Et begavet bud fra den spændende dirigent Sakari Oramo".

Presto classical

d. 4. Mar. 2016



James Longstaffe

d. 4. Mar. 2016

"Vurdering: Presto disc of the week" - "To start with we have the Fifth Symphony, and what a treat it is: the first few bars exemplify everything that I liked about this recording: woodwind playing that is sensitive in places and yet cheeky and raucous when required, glowingly effulgent string playing, and some excellent brass contributions with a pleasingly menacing presence and plenty of bite in the trombones and tuba".

MusicWeb international

2021 March



Michael Cookson

2021 March

"The album is the first of two releases of symphonic works by Prokofiev and Myaskovsky, performed by the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra under its former chief conductor Vasily Petrenko ... Vasily Petrenko presides over a convincing performance by his Oslo players ... He is clearly in his element conducting symphonic music from his home country. The Oslo Philharmonic produces with a warm, rich sound, particularly evident on the strings. Petrenko's is commendably adept at generating substantial tension and unwavering rhythmic energy. There is conspicuous focus and satisfying clarity of texture in these performances of exemplary integrity ... In short, these are outstanding performances".

Fono Forum

2016 August



Andreas Friesenhagen

2016 August

"Die Fünfte ist Prokofjews Kriegssinfonie - fraglos ein Abbild ihrer Zeit, vor allem aber emotional hochkomplex. Ihre Emotionalität wird von Mariss Jansons in diesem Konzertmitschnitt allerdings ein wenig auf Distanz gehalten ... Ansonsten eilen Jansons und das Concertgebouw-Orchester der Konkurrenz in puncto Durchdringung der Partitur, Detailaenauigkeit und Klangschönheit davon".


2016 juin



Patrick Szersnovicz

2016 juin

Fono Forum

2015 Juni



Giselher Schubert

2015 Juni

"Die hier vorgelegten Einspielungen besitzen auch den originalen Glanz, den Prokofjew ins Werk setzt. Andrew Litton lässt deisen Glanz souverän sich mit den richtigen tempi auch voll entfalten".


2016 juin



Patrick Szersnovicz

2016 juin

BBC music magazine

2016 October



Oliver Condy

2016 October

"A wiry intensity burns throughout this account; the Adagio's stormclouds gather impressively, although the final movement is frantic and feels a little superficial. A thrilling Scythian Suite rounds it all off".

Fono Forum

2016 Mai



homas Schulz

2016 Mai

"Ausserdem gelingt es Sokhiev, Prokofjews nicht leicht zu durchdringende Instrumentation geradezu röntgenologisch aufzuschlüsseln".

BBC music magazine

2021 February



David Nice

2021 February

"There can be no doubt what really matters here - a powerful and revelatory take on a masterpiece, Prokofiev's Fifth. Its schizoid nature - epic and parody in alarming alternation - is highlighted by first and third movements stretched almost to breaking point, but with dynamic and textural detail keeping expressiveness and pathos afloat, the sonic extremes superbly handled in another engineering triumph by Lawo. The grotesquerie and the menace have never been better done".

Fono Forum

2021 Mai



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2021 Mai

"Im Kopfsatz wie im Adagio kommt die Musik einfach nicht vom Fleck, den beiden schnellen Sätzen mangelt es zwar nicht an orchestraler Spielfreude, wohl aber an der nötigen Aggressivität, von der diese nur an der Oberfläche heiter-positiv gestimmte Musik - besonders am Schluss - beseelt ist. Dazu passt, dass die wichtige Schlagzeuggruppe kaum je gebührend zu hören ist. Mjaskowskis Sinfonie Nr. 21 bietet eine interessante Kopplung - mehr jedoch leider nicht".

BBC music magazine

2008 February



David Nice

2008 February

"The Symphony, recorded live, reveals infelicities in the brass chordings, and this master trainer clearly still needs to spend more time working with the NRO on a more vibrant string sound. But his masterful long-fostered interpretation cries out for a recording".

The gramophone

2016 June



David Gutman

2016 June

"With a wonderful if rather too plush-sounding hall and a (mostly) glorious orchestra, Jansons secures a soft-grained interpretation that should satisfy his admirers".

The gramophone

2015 June



David Gutman

2015 June

"There have been earthier recordings of the Scythian Suite but non wirier or more teeming with detail. Audiophiles will almost certainly find this more satisfying than Marin Alsop's new recording".

BBC music magazine

2015 August



Erik Levi

2015 August

"Andrew Litton ... supported by the Bergen Philharmonic's superbly responsive playing, brings weight and expressive intensity to the big climaxes without sacrificing the music's momentum. His careful attention to orchestra detail highlights interesting textural aspects of Prokofiev's orchestration often overlooked in other performances".

The gramophone

2016 June



David Gutman

2016 June

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "This much sought-after maestro takes the first movement broadly enough to lend credence to what might seem mere ideological posturing ... There are a few tank-like manoeuvres en route ... but everything works in context".

The gramophone

2021 January



David Gutman

2021 January

"Prokofiev's Fifth communicates readily to modern audiences but Vasily Petrenko keeps us guessing ... Tension builds patiently, affirmation seldom unclouded. Some may miss the saturated strings and outsize tam-tam of Herbert von Karajan's Berlin Philharmonic (DG, 6/69). Then again, Oslo's lean, tensile violin desks rarely obscure the grainier contributions of woodwind and tuba".

International record review

2008 March



Robert Matthew-Walker

2008 March

"As an interpretation of this great Symphony, this version joins its distinguished predecessors, and with its superior recording quality, it surely goes to the top of the list".


d. 31. Mar. 1999


d. 31. Mar. 1999

International record review

2012 November



Richard Whitehouse

2012 November

"Sakari Oramo ... has produced a fair number of notable discs, and it would have been good to set this release of Prokofiev's most ambitious two symphonies alongside them. In the event, and despite a number of interpretative virtues, it can be accorded only a qualified recommendation. Coupling these works might suggest a degree of haste as to overall tempos ... The Sixth Symphony has fared surprisingly poorly on disc and this newcomer is not the sure-fire success one might have hoped for".

The gramophone

2012 December



David Gutman

2012 December

"Much as I admire Oramo in other repertoire, he seems ineffective here, defanging the invention with generally rapid tempi and lightened textures ... For all the finesse and continuity he elicits in Helsinki there's and emotional blandness throughout".

BBC music magazine

2012 December



Daniel Jaffé

2012 December

"Oramo finds a median tempo more or less throughout the work, so losing the contrasts upon which its drama thrives [No. 5] ... After this disappointing performance, it is a pleasant surprise to find the Sixth Symphony ... given one of the most effective and powerful interpretations since that of its original performers, Evgeny Mravinsky and the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra".


d. 18. July 2000


d. 18. July 2000

International record review

2007 December



Nigel Simeone

2007 December

"This is a superb disc. Vladimir Jurowski's Prokofiev Fifth is one of the most impressive readings of this great symphony to have come my way in a very long time".