Music / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 7

Reviews (12)

Fono Forum

2013 Februar



Frank Siebert

2013 Februar

"Alfred Brendel und Claudio Abbado verwandeln durch ihr Erscheinen die Szene, und mit dem Erklingen der Musik entsteht eine neue Qualität, die hier von musikalischer Sorgfalt geprägt ist ... Dazu hat ohne Zweifel auch das enorm motivierte Orchester".

BBC music magazine

2013 September



Geoff Brown (musikanmelder)

2013 September

"Thielemann's interpretation of Bruckner's Seventh Symphony is majestic and clean, as expected, though it falls just short of the cumulative power that the audience's warm reception suggests. The camera's close scrutiny underlines how minimal his conducting can be".

BBC music magazine

2014 August



Erik Levi

2014 August

"Vurdering: BBC music orchestral choice" - "The Staatskapelle plays with the subtlety of chamber musicians ... Discreet camera work operates in tandem with the performance to make this a wholly memorable experience".


2012 decembre



Rémy Louis

2012 decembre

BBC music magazine

2006 Proms



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2006 Proms

"Any lover of great orchestral music making will want this DVD, for it shows Claudio Abbado ... collaborating with a collection of players who go to Lucerne specifically to play together and with, rather than under, him".

International record review

2006 July/August



Colin Anderson

2006 July/August

"With excellent sound, together with camerawork that is for the most part pertinent to the music and its performance, this DVD captures the high-profile occasion without distraction ... Focused and vital, well versed in one sense but with no sense of familiarity breeding contempt, Brendel engages with the interiority of the music ... The orchestra's rich but never cloying timbres prove ideal for Bruckner".

The gramophone

2013 September



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2013 September

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "With the closing bars of Bruckner's Seventh Symphony echoing around the resonant acoustic of the Semperoper, the audience seems reluctant to break the music's spell ... And he certainly earned the adulatory applause. A sequence of Hugo Wolf songs ... proves Thielemann to be the most sensitive and responsive of accompanists ... Fleming is in glorious voice".

International record review

2014 September



Ian Julier

2014 September

"Barenboim seems to draw the music spontaneously from the players rather than imposing control ... Fulsomely captured by the recording quality, these extended journeys reveal more Brucknerian truths than most".

International record review

2012 October



Julian Haylock

2012 October

"Celibidache (now seated) paints a noble musical canvas on the broadest possible scale, one which convinced Brucknerians will find engrossing. Nothing is forced and no detail of internal balance and phrasing is overlooked ... This is not a performance for those who prefer an adrenalin-pumping experience (even in Bruckner), but it is unquestionably a great recording taken on its own terms. The Berliners play like angels, the performance has never looked or sounded finer".

The gramophone

2012 Awards



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2012 Awards

"The problem with the Berlin Philharmonic Seventh is that, for all its monumentality ... the procession of phrases is so terribly slow, wifully so at times, that you wonder whether Celibidache was out to prove a point ... It's almost as if Celibidache is posing as a sort of Brucknerian Glenn Gould ... The level of excess relegates this extraordinary Berlin performance to the level of a historically significant curio".

International record review

2010 February



Colin Anderson

2010 February

"Although the film is watchable enough to see the dedication of the orchestra and the undemonstrative concentration of Welser-Möst, it is the ears (and the senses beyond those) that appreciate the all-consuming rightness of much of this performance".

BBC music magazine

2010 February



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2010 February

"This is a wonderful performance of Bruckner's most popular symphony, delivered in what appears to be a building with ideal acoustics".

Vurdering (performance): 5/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 5/5.