Music / opera


Reviews (4)

BBC music magazine

2015 October



Jan Smaczny

2015 October

"André Campra produces some of the most colourful music in French opera in the generation after Lully's death ... Olivier Schneebeli directs an appealing performance, with a clear regard for the score's strong theatricality ... The chorus could be firmer in tone and intonation ... Among the soloists Benoït Arnould is resonant and impassioned as Tancrède ... As a whole this is an impressive and enjoyable issue".


2015 juillet-août



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2015 juillet-août

Fono Forum

2015 September



Arnd Richter

2015 September

"Der Chef des mitwirkenden Chores weiss Sänger zu führen und erweist sich hier als profilierter Operndirigent. Alle Beteiligten sind zu einem homogenen Ensemble geformt, das mit Überzeugung und offenkundig grossem Engagement bei der Sache ist. Der Orchesterpart schillert in den buntesten Farben, und ... gelingen mitreissend ... Eine Bereicherung für das CD-Regal des passionierten Barockopern-Fans".

The gramophone

2015 August



David Vickers

2015 August

"The oboes and bassoons of Les Temps Présents play with sensuous warmth, and there is an adroit balance between the five-part strings in the fine overture. The haute-contre Erwin Aros sings ardently as an Enchanters in the Prologue ... Thereafter, Campra's tragedie-lyrique is dominated by low voices ... Benoit Arnould's performance of the title-role is by turns suave and valorous ... compellingly portrayed".