Music / klassisk musik 1950 ->

Tenebrae responsories and other choral works

Reviews (3)

BBC music magazine

2013 August



Terry Blain

2013 August

"MacMillan creates a magnificent effusion of sound, over which the trebles of the Westminster Cathedral Choir soar dramatically ... [The Edinburgh Te Deum] is particularly valuable, further attesting to MacMillan's reputation as one of the finest living composers of ecclesiastical music. Martin Baker's direction is masterly".

International record review

2013 July/August



Raymond S. Tuttle

2013 July/August

"It's hard not to be impressed by the committed and well-disciplined singing of the Westminster Cathedral Choir, particularly its boys, who negotiate MacMillan's difficult melismatic writing and unintuitive harmonies with confidence ... The London Brass players are no less enthusiastic, and yet refined".

The gramophone

2013 August



Ivan Moody (f. 1964)

2013 August

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "The combination of Westminster Cathedral Choir and MacMillan is irresistable. We are drawn immediately into their complicity by the jaw-dropping Tu es Petrus ... Inevitably the sound of the Westminster choristers adds something unique and the building's response buoys up MacMillan's arching lines ... The performances throughout are outstanding and beautifully recorded".