Music / kammermusik

Die sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze

Reviews (8)


d. 17. Apr. 2014



Thomas Michelsen

d. 17. Apr. 2014

"Fire musikere fra den spanske Casals Kvartet ... har lavet en ny indspilning af Haydns korsordsmusik ... Det begynder med en slankhed og en præcision, der er kendetegnende for hele den en time lange indspilning. Men selv om kvartettens udtryk er slankt, er det samtidig meget kraftfuldt i sit direkte udtryk. Lidenskabeligt og nærmest 1800-talsromantisk ... Man mærker deres dybe fortrolighed også med komponistens sene værker i den genre, han mere end nogen anden komponist knæsatte ... Et musikalsk gys og ren påskefryd".


d. 8. Mar. 2004


d. 8. Mar. 2004

BBC music magazine

2014 June



Bayan Northcott

2014 June

"Vurdering: BBC music chamber choice" - "Using Classical bows, the variety of nuance and colour these players derive from gradations of vibrato and bow pressure alone constitutes a masterclass in quartet playing. Yet it is the sheer intensity and range of expression that transfixes the ear ... Truly a revelation".

The gramophone

2013 February



Nalen Anthoni

2013 February

"It's an entrancing work in orchestral and choral guise. But whether all the movements in The Seven Last Words lend themselves idiomatically to the reduced forces of a string quartet is a matter of taste ... The despairing cry of 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me' in the fourth [movement] arouses in these musicians a new-found commitment to their interpretation".

The gramophone

2014 June



Geoffrey Norris

2014 June

"Within that soft spectrum of sonority, the Cuarteto Casals, as throughout this exceptional performance, find a balance of expressive subtlety and simplicity that strikes at the music's very heart".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 8. Mar. 2004


d. 8. Mar. 2004

Berlingske tidende

d. 24. Feb. 2004


d. 24. Feb. 2004